Battlefield Vietnam

Publishers EA Games
Developers Digital Illusions CE
Release date 2004
Genre Shooter
Game rating

Game Description

Battlefield Vietnam is a first-person shooter game developed by Digital Illusions CE and published by Electronic Arts on March 15, 2004 in North America and on March 19, 2004 in Europe. It is the second game in the Battlefield series, and follows the release of Battlefield 1942. As the title suggests, the game is based on the US war against North Vietnam. As compared to Battlefield 1942, the game has more weapons but fewer vehicles, although it adds helicopters as an aerial vehicle which the player can use. It also introduces new maps and gameplay modes that enhance the gameplay. The graphics have also improved in Battlefield Vietnam, although the sense of realism is reduced. For example, the physics mechanisms of gravity and of in-game explosions are unrealistic.

Download Battlefield Vietnam

We might have the game available for more than one platform. Battlefield Vietnam is currently available on these platforms:

Windows (2004) (1.42GB)

Battlefield_Vietnam_Win_ROM_EN.7z (1.78GB)

How to play on Windows – preinstalled version

  1. Download and Extract
  2. Open the folder called “Game Files”
  3. No installation is needed – launch the game by double-clicking on “BFVietnam.exe”
  4. Play the game

How to play on Windows – Full CD installation

  1. Download and Extract Battlefield_Vietnam_Win_ROM_EN.7z
  2. Go into “Game Files” > “CD1” and then mount “rzr-bfv1.bin” to a virtual drive. If you don’t know how to do this, you should refer to this article.
  3. Inside the mounted drive, run Setup.exe or Autorun.exe and install the game. When they ask you to insert a CD key, go to “Game Files” > “CD Keys” and use one of the keys provided.
  4. When they ask you to download “Gamespy”, select “No” and continue with the installation.
  5. When asked to insert CD 2, go into “Game Files” > “CD2” and mount “rzr-bfv2.bin” and continue the installation.
  6. When asked to insert CD 3, go into “Game Files” > “CD3” and mount “rzr-bfv3.bin” and continue the installation.
  7. When Battlefield Vietnam has finished installing, open the “NOCD” folder and copy paste “bfvietnam.exe” as well as the “Mods” folder to your installation directory. By default, this will be: C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\Battlefield Vietnam\ – make sure you replace the files in the destination
  8. Play the game by launching bfvietnam.exe

Additional files, patches and fixes

Battlefield Vietnam Windows Manual (English)

Battlefield Vietnam Screenshots


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23 thoughts on “Battlefield Vietnam”

  1. Hi. Trying to LAN/Local play this, and get kicked out due to CD Key. Its the same download and it probably detects two identical CD keys. Any way to change the CD key to play LAN/Local?

  2. When I start up the game and join games it plays music during the loading screen, but when I try to play music in game it doesn’t work. This kinda made me realize that half of the fun of this game was it’s sound track. Is there a way to fix it?

    • I think that the musicfiles and everything is on the CDS, back in the days the gamefiles and all the code and DLLs was installed on the computer.. and all the songs and so on was on the CD.. check the CDS 🙂

  3. Hello.. there’s a bug in my game. there’s no crosshair in any gums except bazookas and hand grenade.. how to fix it?


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