Publishers | Star Stable Entertainment AB |
Developers | Star Stable Entertainment AB |
Release date | 2010 |
Genre | Action, Sports |
Game rating |
Game Description
Star Stable is a single-player horse riding game. It is the first game in the “Star Stable” series.
Download Star Stable
We might have the game available for more than one platform. Star Stable is currently available on these platforms:
Windows (2010) (262.3MB)
Additional files, patches and fixes
Star Stable Screenshots
I did everything in the tutorial and it just opens the files I don’t know how to start the game
hey im on a mac, is it possible in any way for me to play these old sso games?
update !! у меня получилось! я сделала все то же самое, но я не использовала winrar, просто скачала файл, распаковала его с помощью windows проводника, установила, смонтировала образ диска, зашла в папку star stable 1 и нажала на приложение с желтой иконкой, все потрясающе работает😭😭😭
Ничего не вышло, я скачала, разархивировала с помощью winrar, открыла по инструкции из комментариев, просто черный экран с курсором и музыкой, также попыталась сделать с помощью wincdemu на диск, то же самое
every time i start it i just get a black screen, the soundtrack plays but i cant see anything exept the arrow from my mouse (in the starstable style) please help :,)
I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM 🙁 I’ve tried everything I have found online, compability modes and everything but nothing works and it’s the same on all the games!! 🙁
I cant get it to work. I even installed/run PXRoute.exe and it still just says insert cd. If someone cound help ..
I’ve tried to play all of them but everytime I try to lauch the game it says “Unable to load the startup file.” Idk what to do ):
I managed to get it to work! After downloading the above file, open the file, then go to Game Files > Star Stable 1 > PXRoute. It will give you a series of prompts for installation, and after following the prompts, it should automatically launch the game and create an icon on your desktop. This was the only route I’ve found that works. Hope this helps!!
Thank you so much!
yep this worked for me thank you!!!
When i try to start the game, it says i need to use the CD. How can i fix this?
What worked for me was:
extract files from the zip folder with winrar > open the unzipped folder and in the game files, right click the iso file and open with winrar > double click setup.exe and install > go back to the game files through file explorer and right click the .iso file > open it with windows explorer > double click the PXRoute file and it should start. there may be an easier way, but that’s what worked for me lol
omg thank you sm, your method is the only one that worked for me!