------------------------------------------------------------------ Barbie(TM) and the Magic of Pegasus(TM) ReadMe Version 1.0 for Windows(R) 98/Me/2000/XP ------------------------------------------------------------------ Congratulations on your purchase of Barbie(TM) and the Magic of Pegasus(TM)! To supply you with up-to-the-minute information, we have included this ReadMe file. Please open this window to its maximum size for better readability. ------------------------------------------------------------------ CONTENTS -------- Section ------- I. System Requirements II. Installation III. Running the Program IV. Troubleshooting and Performance Tips V. Technical Support VI. Legal Notices VII. End User License agreement ------------------------------------------------------------------ I. System Requirements ---------------------- Minimum Configuration: * Windows(R) 98/Me/2000(Install in Admin)/XP(Install in Admin) * Pentium(R) III (or equivalent) 450 MHz or faster * 128 MB RAM or higher * 24x CD-ROM drive or faster * 300 MB on HD * 16-Bit color * 800 x 600 * 32 MB 3D video card with Windows(R)DirectX(R) 9.0-compatible driver * Windows(R)DirectX(R) 9.0-compatible sound card * Keyboard * Mouse II. Installation ---------------- 1. Insert the Barbie(TM) and the Magic of Pegasus(TM) CD in the CD-ROM drive. 2. If your system supports the AutoPlay feature, then click on the Install icon. The Setup will start automatically. Just follow the prompts and disregard the following steps. 3. If your system does not support AutoPlay, then select the Start button. 4. Choose Run from the Start Menu. 5. At the Open box, type "D:\install.exe". If your CD-ROM drive is a different letter than D, type that letter in place of D. 6. Click OK and follow the prompts. To uninstall Barbie(TM) and the Magic of Pegasus(TM) 1. Select Add/Remove Programs from the Windows Control Panel. 2. Select Barbie(TM) and the Magic of Pegasus(TM) from the list. 3. Follow the prompts. Information for Windows(R) XP Users -------------------------------- User Accounts ------------- Although testing of Barbie(TM) and the Magic of Pegasus(TM) CD-ROM has been performed with Microsoft's Windows(R) XP operating system, it is highly recommended that installation and use of Barbie(TM) and the Magic of Pegasus(TM) be performed only under a "Computer Administrator" user account. To verify that the user account under which the program is being used is a "Computer Administrator" account: 1. To obtain the account name in use, begin by clicking on the Start menu. 2. Select the Control Panel. 3. Double-click on the User Accounts icon. 4. Verify that the words "Computer Administrator" appear below the account name currently in use. Consult your Windows(R) documentation for information on creating user accounts. Installing Windows(R) DirectX(R) 9.0 -------------------------------- If you declined to install DirectX (R) 9.0 when initially installing Barbie(TM) and the Magic of Pegasus(TM), you can install it at a later time by running "dxsetup.exe" located in the "support\DirectX" folder on the CD-ROM. III. Running the Program ------------------------ 1. Insert the Barbie(TM) and the Magic of Pegasus(TM) CD in the CD-ROM drive. 2. For systems that support AutoPlay, the program will offer a Play button when the CD is inserted. 3. For systems that do not support AutoPlay, from the Start button select the Programs menu, then Barbie(TM), then Barbie(TM) and the Magic of Pegasus(TM). Note: If your system is running a custom desktop, refer to the manufacturer's documentation for instructions on special circum- stances. IV. Troubleshooting and Performance Tips --------------------------------------- Windows Taskbar --------------- The Windows Taskbar may interfere with your ability to view a program's graphics, animations, or program information in certain activities. If you encounter difficulties when the Taskbar appears on-screen, enable the Taskbar's Autohide feature: Windows(R) 98/Me ----------- * Click the Start button, then select Settings, then Taskbar. * At the dialog box that appears, uncheck "Always on top" and check "Auto hide". * Click the Apply button, then the OK button. You also have the option of relocating the Taskbar to different sides of the display screen: * Click and hold down the mouse pointer on a blank area of the Taskbar. * Drag and release the Taskbar on the side of the screen where it causes the least interference. Note: If you need to access the Taskbar or the Start menu at any time while the program is running, press Ctrl+Esc. To return to the program, click on the program's display area, or press Alt+Tab until the program's icon is selected. Windows(R) 2000/XP ------------ * Right click on Start button, then select Properties, then the Taskbar tab. * In Taskbar Appearance section, uncheck "Lock the Taskbar", and check "Auto-hide the taskbar". * Click the Apply button, then the OK button. If the program is very slow: ---------------------------- 1. Close any unnecessary applications that may be running. 2. Make sure your display setting is at 800x600 resolution and High Color (16-bit) mode. (Refer to your system or Windows docu- mentation.) If display problems occur: -------------------------- If you experience graphics problems while running this program, contact your video card or systems vendor to obtain the latest version of the video driver. Make sure the system is running in High Color (16-bit) mode in 800x600 resolution. To change the display settings: Windows(R) 98/Me --------- 1. Click the Start button, then select Settings, then Control Panel. 2. Double-click the Display icon. 3. Choose the Settings tab. 4. Select High Color (16-bit) for the color palette and 800x600 for desktop area. 5. Click the Apply and OK buttons. (The system may need to restart.) Windows(R) 2000/XP ----------- 1. Click on the Start button, then select Control Panel. 2. Double-click the Display icon. 3. Choose the Settings tab. 4. Select High Color (16-bit) for the color palette and 800x600 for desktop area. 5. Click the Apply and OK buttons. (The system may need to restart.) Barbie(TM) and the Magic of Pegasus(TM) does not support the NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400 video card running on Windows(R) 2000 with a 64 bit processor computer. Barbie(TM) and the Magic of Pegasus(TM) does not support playing the game with a SIS Xabre 400 video card. If sound problems occur: ------------------------ If you experience sound problems while running the program, contact your sound card or system vendor to obtain the latest version of the sound driver. If there is any unusual audio behavior on your system while running the program: * Press the Ctrl+Esc keys, then click back on the program screen, or press Alt+Tab and then click back to the program screen. If the problem still occurs, contact Technical Support (see below). Screen savers: -------------- If you are running a screen saver in the background and experience video and sound problems during the program, disabling the screen saver should solve the problem. Refer to your screen saver documentation for instructions on disabling the screen saver. Reinstalling: ------------- If you have deleted or uninstalled any part of the program and are having problems reinstalling, follow these steps to manually re- install the program: 1. Insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive. 2. Select the Start button. 3. Choose Run from the Start menu. 4. At the Open box, type "D:\install.exe". If your CD-ROM drive is a different letter than D, type that letter in place of D. 5. Click OK and follow the prompts. Improving system performance: ----------------------------- These tips are designed to improve your system's performance: Windows(R) 98/Me 1. Right-click the My Computer icon on the desktop, then click Properties. 2. From the dialog box, select the Performance tab. 3. Click the File System button. 4. Select the CD-ROM tab. Set the "Supplemental cache size" to Large. 5. Match the "Optimize access pattern" setting to that of your CD-ROM. (It should be set to Quad-speed or higher.) 6. Click Apply, then OK. 7. Restart the computer for the changes to take effect. Windows(R) 2000/XP 1. Right-click the My Computer icon on the desktop, then click Properties. 2. From the dialog box, select the Advanced tab. 3. Click the Settings button under Performance. 4. Select the Adjust for best performance. 5. Click Apply and new settings will apply automatically. 6. Click OK to exit out. DirectX(R) 9.0: ------------ You must use DirectX(R) 9.0 to run Barbie(TM) and the Magic of Pegasus(TM), and your video card software must support DirectX 9.0 and Direct3D. Video Card Software Drivers Some video card drivers do not support Direct3D correctly. Typical problems that may occur with these drivers include: - Crashing during start-up - Crashing when changing video resolutions - Corrupted textures - Unexpected bright flashing on screen - Unusually slow performance The solution is to go to your video card manufacturer's Web site and download updated drivers for your card. It is highly recommended that, given an option, you download and install Microsoft-certified (WHQL) drivers. Dxdiag Dxdiag is a diagnostic program that is included in DirectX 9.0. To run dxdiag, select Run from the Start menu. Type in "dxdiag" and press Enter. The display tab will give you information on your video card, how much hardware video RAM your card has (Barbie(TM) and the Magic of Pegasus(TM) requires 32 MB), and a "Test Direct3D" button. If DirectX 9.0 reports adequate video RAM and Direct3D passes the tests, Barbie(TM) and the Magic of Pegasus(TM) is likely to run on your system. To generate a report on DirectX, click the Save All Information button at the bottom and save the text file. Hard drive space: ----------------- In addition to the installed game, Windows will require additional free hard drive space for its operating system (virtual memory). The amount of space required varies from 100 MB to 250 MB. If you have less than 250 MB free space, you may encounter the following message in an error dialog: "Ran out of virtual memory" If you encounter this message, please free up some hard drive space. V. Technical Support ---------------------- Video drivers and system settings --------------------------------- Information about your system's video drivers can often assist our Technical Support staff in diagnosing problems that are encountered when running the program. To get information about your system's video drivers: Win98/Me --------- 1. Right-click the My Computer icon and select Properties. 2. Click the Device Manager tab. 3. Double-click "Display adapters". Win 2000/XP ------------ 1. Right-click on My Computer icon and select the Hardware tab. 2. Click on Device Manager 3. Double-click "Display adapters". Device Manager also displays settings for hardware devices that are not fully supported by Windows, or are using device drivers that need to be updated. Contact the system vendor or manufacturer if any Device Manager subkeys, such as those under "Display adapters" or "Sound, video and game controllers", are displayed with a red X or yellow exclamation mark. (Click the plus [+] sign to see the subkey.) General --------------------------------- 1. The video card message at the beginning of the install is a static message. It does not detect anything on the User's computer. 2. The video card must use 3d hardware acceleration that is Direct X 9.0 compatible. Go to Menu & Run, launch DXDIAG. The User's video card must pass all the display diagnostic tests. Detected video hardware memory is listed here as well. 3. The install also detects whether DirectX 9.0 is on the user's computer & updates it. User should be prompted to restart. If there is no restart or the user decides not to install DirectX, the program will launch with a dll error. Restarting or installing DirectX 9.0 will solve the problem. 4. 32MB integrated 3D video cards that share system memory may not run or will run slowly. DirectX 9.0 will likely report that video memory is below 32MB. Dedicated hardware video memory works best with this program. 5. The game is very dark on old monitors. Suggest brightness & color adjustment. 6. The game will not launch if user does not have 3D hardware acceleration. 7. If you experience any slow performance and/or video problems, please make sure you have the latest version of the video drivers installed and that it is compatible with DirectX 9.0. For additional support on any specific video-card and video drivers, please contact your video card manufacturer. Calling Technical Support ------------------------- Please have the following information ready if and when you call: 1. The product name and version number located at the top of this ReadMe file. 2. The processor and clock speed of your computer (e.g., Pentium II 266). 3. The brand name of the sound device installed in the computer. 4. The amount of free memory (memory available to run the program) that the computer has. Double-click the My Computer icon, then click the Help menu, and choose About Windows 98 or 2000 ("About Windows" on XP). From the dialog box that appears, write down the Physical Memory and Avail- able System Resources values. 5. The complete and exact error message reported by the program (if any). 6. A copy of the dxdiag report would also be helpful. From the Start menu, select Run and type in "dxdiag" to bring up the tool. To generate a report from DirectX, click on the Save All Information button at the bottom and save the text file. This can then be attached to any communications. VU Games Customer Support can be reached in the following ways: Technical Support Phone: (800) 630-0811 6:00 AM-6:00 PM EST Internet: http://support.vugames.com Customer Service Phone: (800) 757-7707 6:00 AM-6:00 PM EST Mail VU Games 4247 South Minnewawa Avenue Fresno, CA 93725 *********************************************************************** VI LEGAL NOTICES BARBIE and associated trademarks and trade dress are owned by, and used under license from, Mattel, Inc. (c) 2005 Mattel, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and DirectX are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Pentium is a registered trademark of the Intel Corporation. FMOD sound and music system, copyright © Firelight Multimedia, 1994-2003. ************************************************************************* VII END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT YOU SHOULD CAREFULLY READ THE FOLLOWING END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT BEFORE INSTALLING THIS SOFTWARE PROGRAM. BY INSTALLING, COPYING, OR OTHERWISE USING THE SOFTWARE PROGRAM, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, PROMPTLY RETURN THE UNUSED SOFTWARE PROGRAM TO THE PLACE OF PURCHASE OR CONTACT VIVENDI UNIVERSAL GAMES CUSTOMER SERVICE AT (800) 757-7707 FOR A FULL REFUND OF THE PURCHASE PRICE WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE ORIGINAL PURCHASE. This software program including any and all subsequent patches (the "Program"), any printed materials, any on-line or electronic documentation, and any and all copies and derivative works of such software program and materials are the copyrighted work of Vivendi Universal Games, Inc., or its subsidiaries, licensors or suppliers. All use of the Program is governed by the terms of the End User License Agreement which is provided below ("License Agreement"). The Program is solely for use by end users according to the terms of the License Agreement. Any use, reproduction, or redistribution of the Program not in accordance with the terms of the License Agreement is expressly prohibited. END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT 1. Limited Use License. Vivendi Universal Games, Inc. ("VUG") hereby grants, and by installing the Program you thereby accept, a limited, non-exclusive license and right to install and use one (1) copy of the Program for your use on a home, business, or portable computer. 2. Ownership. All title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to the Program and any and all copies thereof (including, but not limited to, any titles, computer code, themes, objects, characters, character names, stories, dialog, catch phrases, locations, concepts, artwork, animations, sounds, musical compositions, audio-visual effects, methods of operation, moral rights, any related documentation, and "applets" incorporated into the Program) are owned by VUG or its licensors. The Program is protected by the copyright laws of the United States, international copyright treaties, and conventions and other laws. All rights are reserved. The Program contains certain licensed materials, and VUG's licensors may protect their rights in the event of any violation of this Agreement. The Program may access websites owned, controlled by, or operated by licensed affiliates of VUG, and receive patches and/or updates to the Program from these websites. All patches, updates or other downloadable material used by, or incorporated into, the Program are the copyrighted property of VUG, who reserves all rights therein, and shall be governed by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 3. Responsibilities of End User. A. Subject to the Grant of License hereinabove, you may not, in whole or in part, copy, photocopy, reproduce, sublicense, translate, reverse engineer, derive source code, modify, disassemble, decompile, create a source code equivalent, create derivative works based on the Program, or remove any proprietary notices or labels on the Program, or allow others to do so, without the prior consent, in writing, of VUG. B. The Program is licensed to you as a single product. Its component parts may not be separated for use on more than one computer. C. You are entitled to use the Program for your own use, but you are not entitled to: (i) sell, grant a security interest in, or transfer reproductions of the Program to other parties in any way, nor to rent, lease, or license the Program to others without the prior written consent of VUG; (ii) exploit the Program or any of its parts for any commercial purpose including, but not limited to, use at a cyber café, computer gaming center, or any other location-based site. VUG may offer a separate Site License Agreement to permit you to make the Program available for commercial use; contact VUG for details; (iii) host or provide matchmaking services for the Program, or emulate or redirect the communication protocols used by VUG in the network feature of the Program, through protocol emulation, tunneling, modifying or adding components to the Program, use of a utility program, or any other techniques now known or hereafter developed, for any purpose including, but not limited to, network play over the Internet, network play utilizing commercial or non-commercial gaming networks, or as part of content aggregation networks without the prior written consent of VUG; and (iv) create or maintain, under any circumstance, more than one simultaneous connection to a hosting service provided by VUG, or other hosting services authorized by VUG. All such connections, whether created by the Program or by other tools and utilities, may only be made through methods and means expressly approved by VUG. Under no circumstances may you connect, or create tools that allow you to connect to the Hosting Service’s private binary interface or interfaces other than those explicitly provided by VUG for public use. 4. Program Transfer. You may permanently transfer all of your rights under this License Agreement, provided the recipient agrees to the terms of this License Agreement and you agree to remove the Program and any New Materials from your home, business, or portable computer. 5. Termination. This License Agreement is effective until terminated. You may terminate the License Agreement at any time by destroying the Program and any New Materials. VUG may, at its discretion, terminate this License Agreement in the event that you fail to comply with the terms and conditions contained herein. In such event, you must immediately destroy the Program and any New Materials. 6. Export Controls. The Program may not be re-exported, downloaded, or otherwise exported into (or to a national or resident of) any country to which the U.S. has embargoed goods, or to anyone on the U.S. Treasury Department's list of Specially Designated Nationals or the U.S. Commerce Department's Table of Denial Orders. By installing the Program, you are agreeing to the foregoing, and you are representing and warranting that you are not located in, under the control of, or a national or resident of any such country or on any such list. 7. Customer Service/Technical Support. "Customer Service" as used herein may be provided to you by VUG representatives by telephone and/or by electronic message (e-mail). "Technical Support" may be provided to you by VUG by telephone, electronic message (e-mail), or by posting of information related to known technical support issues on a web site. Unless otherwise stated in the Program's packaging or in the Program's user manual, nothing herein shall be construed so as to place a duty upon VUG to provide Customer Service or Technical Support via a toll-free telephone number for an unlimited period of time. 8. Limited Warranty. VUG expressly disclaims any warranty for the Program, Editor, and Manual(s). The Program, Editor, and Manual(s) are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or noninfringement. The entire risk arising out of use or performance of the Program, Editor, and Manual(s) remains with the User; however VUG warrants up to and including ninety (90) days from the date of your purchase of the Program that the media containing the Program shall be free from defects in material and workmanship. In the event that the media proves to be defective during that time period, and upon presentation to VUG of proof of purchase of the defective Program, VUG will at its option 1) correct any defect, 2) provide you with a product of equal or lesser value, or 3) refund your money. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or liability for incidental damages, so the above limitations may not apply to you. 9. Limitation of Liability. NEITHER VIVENDI UNIVERSAL GAMES, INC., ITS PARENT, SUBSIDIARIES, OR AFFILIATES SHALL BE LIABLE IN ANY WAY FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY KIND RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THE PROGRAM, THE EDITOR, OR THE HOSTING SERVICE, OR OTHER ON-LINE PROVIDER AUTHORIZED BY VUG, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF GOODWILL, WORK STOPPAGE, COMPUTER FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION, OR ANY AND ALL OTHER COMMERCIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES. ANY WARRANTY AGAINST INFRINGEMENT THAT MAY BE PROVIDED IN SECTION 2-312(3) OF THE UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE AND/OR IN ANY OTHER COMPARABLE STATE STATUTE IS EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. VIVIENDI UNIVERSAL GAMES SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INTERRUPTIONS OF SERVICE ON THE HOSTING SERVICE OR OTHER ON-LINE PROVIDER AUTHORIZED BY VUG INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ISP DISRUPTIONS, SOFTWARE OR HARDWARE FAILURES, OR ANY OTHER EVENT WHICH MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF DATA OR DISRUPTION OF SERVICE. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations may not apply. 10. Equitable Remedies. You hereby agree that VUG would be irreparably damaged if the terms of this License Agreement were not specifically enforced, and therefore you agree that VUG shall be entitled, without bond, other security, or proof of damages, to appropriate equitable remedies with respect to breaches of this License Agreement, in addition to such other remedies as VUG may otherwise have available to it under applicable laws. In the event any litigation is brought by either party in connection with this License Agreement, the prevailing party, in such litigation shall be entitled to recover from the other party all the costs, attorneys' fees and other expenses incurred by such prevailing party in the litigation. 11. Limitations on License. Nothing in this License Agreement shall preclude you from making or authorizing the making of another copy or adaptation of the Program provided, however, that (1) such new copy or adaptation is created as an essential step in your utilization of the Program in accordance with the terms of this License Agreement and for NO OTHER PURPOSE; or (2) such new copy or adaptation is for archival purposes ONLY and all archival copies are destroyed in the event of your Transfer of the Program, the Termination of this Agreement, or other circumstances under which your continued use of the Program ceases to be rightful. 12. Miscellaneous. This License Agreement shall be deemed to have been made and executed in the State of California, and any dispute arising hereunder shall be resolved in accordance with the law of California. You agree that any claim asserted in any legal proceeding by one of the parties against the other shall be commenced and maintained in any state or federal court located in the State of California, County of Los Angeles, having subject matter jurisdiction with respect to the dispute between the parties. This License Agreement may be amended, altered, or modified only by an instrument in writing, specifying such amendment, alteration, or modification, executed by both parties. In the event that any provision of this License Agreement shall be held by a court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, such provision will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible, and the remaining portions of this License Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. This License Agreement constitutes and contains the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any prior oral or written agreements. I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the foregoing License Agreement and agree that the action of installing the Program is an acknowledgment of my agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions of the License Agreement contained herein. I also acknowledge and agree that this License Agreement is the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between VUG and me and that the License Agreement supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreement, either oral or written, and any other communications between VUG and me. Archived by OldGamesDownload.com on 7th October, 2019