Readme for BATMAN:VENGEANCE PC ================================================================ This file will attempt to explain the basics of installing and playing BATMAN on the PC. 1.system requirement: =============================================================== Minimum Configuration System: Windows 95/98/2000/XP Processor type and frequency:PentiumII 450 MHz RAM:128 MBytes RAM Graphics card:DirectX 8.1 or higher compatible 3D Accelerator card(GEFORCE256 32M Minium) CD ROM drive:4X CD-ROM Sound card: Sound Blaster Compatible Sound Card Other: Keyboard/Mouse/gamepad =============================================================== Recommended Configuration System: Windows 95/98/2000/XP Processor type and frequency:PentiumIII 650 MHz RAM:128 MBytes RAM Graphics card:DirectX 8.1 or higher Compatible 3D Accelerator card (GEFORCE2 or better) CD ROM drive:8X CD ROM drive Sound card:Sound Blaster Compatible Sound Card Other: Keyboard/Mouse/gamepad =============================================================== 2.Install BATMAN: =============================================================== Insert the BATMAN CD in your CD-ROM drive. The setup is launched automatically. Follow the instructions through to the end choosing your configuration. If DirectX is not installed on your computer, or if the DirectX version present is older than 8.1, you will be prompted to install this version, present on the CD. DirectX version 8.1 is required for BATMAN to work. Notes: You can also start the BATMAN setup manually from the CD-ROM by running file SetupUbi.exe. You can also start the DirectX 8.1 setup manually from the CD-ROM by running file Dx80eng.exe. WINDOW95 DirectX8\DX80eng.exe WINDOW98 DirectX8\DX81eng.exe WINDOWS2000 DirectX8\DX81NTeng.exe You can use Graphicsetup.exe to test your system automatically. If you can’t update the msvcrt.dll in Win98/95, please close other applications and run vcredist.exe in CD in CD root folder\REDIST after installation, then restart your computer. For windows 95 users: Please run the Dcom\Dcom95.exe on BATMAN CD before installation. For Windows 98 users:Please run the Dcom\Dcom98.exe on BATMAN CD before installation. =============================================================== Free space for installation: Minimum install:7MB Compact install:256MB Full install: 549MB 3. Game control: =============================================================== We recommend playing with keyboard plus the mouse. However, it is possible to play with a keyboard only or a gamepad. =============================================================== Keyboard Controls for an american QWERTY keyboard =============================================================== Default directional keys:These keys are used to move in the desired direction A(for left) D(for right) W(for up) S(for down) Mouse: Can be used in first person mode, and also can be used for action and jump. Mouse1 for action and Mouse2 for jump Action keys: DELETE(punch) END(Jump) PgDn(Defend) SPACE(enter/quit first Persion view) F1 Bat communicator F8 Screenshots (Player can defy the key for his\her own preference) ============================================================= CUSTOM KEYBOARD CONFIGURATION ============================================================= If you plan to customize your keyboard configuration, note that the "action", "jump" and other action keys commands need to be controlled by different fingers. And sometime you will need to use both keys simultaneously when performing a 'special move.' ============================================================= Installing the Game Pad: ============================================================= - Connect the pad to your sound card. - Access the control panel. - Access the game options (pad settings). - Click on Add and select "4-button control pad". - Click on Properties. - In the Parameters tab, choose "Calibrate" and follow the instructions. You game pad is now working. 4. Starting BATMAN: ============================================================= If you have chosen the default configuration, you can start BATMAN by selecting Start/Programs/Ubi softGames/BATMAN VENGEANCE/BATMAN VENGEANCE 5. Rules of the game ============================================================= The manual provides all the necessary information. 6.Other choises in game: ============================================================= Antialiasing: menu\option We recommend you to open this function only your video card is Geforce 2 or higher. ========================================================= Shadow: menu\option The game provide the function of real time shadow. Player can off this function to improve frame rate performance. ========================================================= Resolutions The game can be played in three different resolutions Low Resolution (640x480) Average Resolution (800x600) High Resolution (1024x768) These resolutions are selected in the menu Options/Resolution. Please note that not all resolutions are supported by all video cards. ======================================================== 7. Hardware supporting: ======================================================== Supported 3D Cards ======================================================== Here is a complete list of cards which have been tested with the game: Xtasy GeFroce 3 Ti500 64mb 640x480 800x600 1024x768 Hercules GeForce 3 64mb 640x480 800x600 1024x768 Asus GeForce GTS2 32mb 640x480 800x600 1024x768 Asus GeForce DDR 32mb 640x480 800x600 1024x768 Creatvie GeForce SDR 32mb 640x480 800x600 1024x768 Hercules GeForce 2 MX400 32mb 640x480 800x600 1024x768 NVIDIA TnT II 32mb (not supported for this game) ATI Radeon 8500 64mb 640x480 800x600 1024x768 ATI Radeon 7500 64mb 640x480 800x600 1024x768 ATI Radeon 7200 64mb 640x480 800x600 1024x768 ATI Radeon ViVo 64mb 640x480 800x600 1024x768 ATI Radeon 32mb 640x480 800x600 1024x768 Matrox G550 32mb 640x480 800x600 1024x768 Matrox G450 32mb 640x480 800x600 1024x768 Matrox G400 32mb 640x480 800x600 1024x768 Voodoo 5 5500 32mb 640x480 800x600 1024x768 (Sometimes display error for textures) Voodoo 4 4500 32mb 640x480 800x600 1024x768 (Sometimes display error for textures) Kyro II 64mb 640x480 800x600 1024x768 Kyro I 32mb 640x480 800x600 1024x768 ========================================================= 8.Customer service: ================================================================================================ If you experience problems when loading a game level, please download the latest drivers update for your video card from the card manufacturer's Web site.BATMAN may not support some or all of the cards produced by a particular manufacturer. ================================================================================================ 3dfx Interactive — 3Dlabs — AccelGraphics — Asus – ATI — Aztech Labs — Canopus — Creative Labs — Diamond Multimedia — Elsa Technology — Gateway 2000 — Guillemot — Hercules (see Guillemot) — I/O Magic — Intergraph (see 3Dlabs) — Jaton — Leadtek — Matrox — Number Nine — NVIDIA — Orchid (see Diamond Multimedia) -- S3 Incorporated — Silicon Integrated Systems Corporation (SiS) — ST Microelectronics — STB (see 3dfx Interactive) — VideoLogic — ========================================================= Please check you have enough space on your harddisk. ========================================================= If you have any trouble whatsoever: installation, hardware compatibility or just playing, special Ubi Soft Entertainment teams are always there to help. · FRANCE ------------------------ Ubi Soft Entertainment 28, Ru Armand Carrel 93108 Montreuil sous Bois Cedex Web site: Customer Service (info, tips and solutions). Hotline: 08-92-70-50 (0,34 Euro / min ) Minitel: 3615 Ubisoft (0,34 Euro / min) e-mail: Fax: 01 48 57 07 41 Technical Support: 0825 355 306 (0,15 Euro / min) e-mail: Fax: 02 99 08 96 45 · UNITED KINGDOM ------------------------ Ubi Soft Entertainment Ltd. Chantrey Court Minorca Road Weybridge Surrey KT13 8DU Technical Support: 0870 800 6160 Hotline: 0906 466 5200 Hours: Monday through Friday 8.00am - 11.00pm GMT Customer Services 01932 838230 Customer Services Fax 01932 838274/275 Hours: Monday through Friday 9.30am - 5.30pm GMT · SPAIN ------------------------ C/ Playa de Liencres Nº2 (Edif. Londres) Planta 1ª Complejo Europa Empresarial Ctra. 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