CIVILIZATION II TEST OF TIME (TM) RELEASE NOTES May 21, 1999 -------------------------------- LICENSE AGREEMENT ----------------- 1. LICENCE The software and all images, photography, animations, video, audio, music and text contained on the enclosed CD-ROM and this manual, (together, 'the Product') are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights which are owned by or licensed to Hasbro Interactive Limited of 2 Roundwood Avenue, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, UB11 1AZ ('Hasbro') Hasbro grants to you as the original purchaser of this Product a non-transferable right to use the Product for your own personal and private use and not in connection with any business activity. Unless otherwise permitted by law, no part of this Product may be copied, reproduced, translated, modified, decompiled or reduced into any electronic or other form without the prior written consent of Hasbro. You may not rent or lease, or sell or transfer copies of the Product or any part of it. 2. WARRANTY Hasbro warrants to you only that for a period of ninety days from purchase the Product will perform substantially in accordance with the specifications set out in this manual and that the original CD-ROM disk itself will be free from defects in materials and workmanship. During this period the Product, if defective, will be replaced free of charge if returned to Hasbro at Caswell Way, Newport, Gwent, NP9 0YH, together with a dated proof of purchase, a brief description of the defect and the address to which it is to be returned. Any replacement will be warranted for a further 90 day period. This warranty does not affect your statutory rights in any way. This warranty does not apply to defects caused by misuse, neglect, incorrect installation, damage, alteration, repair or excessive wear. 3. LIABILITY Except as stated at 2 above, all conditions, warranties, terms, representations and undertakings express or implied, statutory or otherwise, in respect of the Product are expressly excluded. Hasbro's liability to you shall under no circumstances exceed the original retail price of the Product and Hasbro does not accept liability for any indirect or consequential damage or loss (even if it is aware that the possibility of such damage or loss) including lost profits or revenues, or for any damages, costs or loss incurred as a result of loss of time or data or from any other cause. Nothing set out above shall limit or exclude the Hasbro's liability to you for death or personal injury resulting from its own negligence or any other liability not capable of exclusion or limitation by law. If you do not agree to be bound by these terms, you should immediately return the Product to Hasbro at Caswell Way, Newport, Gwent, NP9 OYH, together with a dated proof of purchase, for a full refund. ******************************* * GAMEPLAY NOTES AND CAUTIONS * ******************************* 1. IMPORTANT! Because there are four distinct games working from the same executable, you should never do either of the following two things: a. Change the name of the subdirectories. b. Move a save or scenario file from its default directory to another directory. Either action could confuse the game program into associating the art, sound, text, events, and characteristics of one game with another. We can take no responsibility for how (or even if) the game will function from that point on, and Customer Service might not be able to help you if problems arise. 2. In both the fantasy and Midgard games, we recommend that you not change the name of either your civilization or your capital city. Many of the events that drive these games are keyed to specific names. If you change the names, you will prevent these events from functioning correctly. 3. Since the Buteo race in the fantasy and Midgard games has a high proportion of flying units, we have eased the burden they put on the happiness of the citizenry when ruled by advanced governments. Thus, you can use Greatlaw (the fantasy equivalent for democracy) with confidence that your cities will not immediately descend into revolt simply because your flying warriors are out on campaign. 4. The Republic government produces extra trade in the same way as Democracy. This has always been the case, but was misreported in the Civilopedia. Likewise, the benefits provided by the Copernicus' Observatory and Isaac Newton's College wonders have always been listed incorrectly. In this release, we set the record straight. 5. At times, you might find that you're not able to move units between maps when you would expect to be able to. Consider these possible reasons: a. Your unit occupies a city. You cannot move directly from a city to another map. b. Your unit is of the wrong type. For a variety of reasons, your unit type may not be permitted to enter a particular map. Check the documentation to find out who can go where. c. A unit of another civilization already occupies the destination square. d. Some other movement restriction prevents your unit from entering the square. A unit cannot perform in transition what it cannot do in normal movement. For example, a unit cannot depart a map directly into a city of another race. If one occupies the destination square, your unit won't be permitted to go there. 6. In the fantasy games, you might notice the Raganarok advance mysteriously appearing and disappearing from the Goblin or Stygian bodies of knowledge. Don't fret. It's being used by events as a flag and is only following instructions. The Ragnarok advance has no value whatsoever. 7. In the fantasy and Midgard Civilopedia, you'll notice several terrain types whose names we've prefixed with a "z". These are unused and duplicated terrains, and rather than have them mix in with the others, we've added to "z" to exile them to the end of the list. Please ignore these entries entirely. 8. In the fantasy game, the city styles of the Goblin, Merfolk, and Stygian races are fixed. You won't be able to override them as usual during game set-up. 9. We recommend that, if you believe you might be rewarded for defeating a dangerous monster or fighting unit, you not make the fireball your weapon of choice. Fireballs will not trigger any event action in response to their victory. 10. Many wonders in the fantasy game expire with the occurence of Ragnarok, the final doomed battle between the gods and the titans of nature. Without going into unimportant explanations, Raganarok needs to be represented in the game as an advance. It is not part of the tech tree nor does it confer any benefit to anybody. Because of its special status, it won't be found anywhere in the civilopedia. In general, this is how we want it to behave. However, its unique status indirectly causes an omission that might be perceived as a bug. If you look up the wonder, Glyph of Understanding, in the 'pedia, for example, you will note that there is no indication of any expiration. This omission occurs precisely because its expiration is linked to the invisible advance, Ragnarok. So, whenever you encounter a fantasy wonder in the civilopedia without expiration information, you will know it is doomed to fail if Ragnarok occurs. 11. We have recently added a toggle button, named 'View', to the tech tree window. By use of this button, you can view three different tree sizes. Note that when using larger tree sizes the names of the items in the list will be truncated as space permits. 12. You may customize the domestic advisor's city improvement picks for the autobuild if you wish. Create a file in your Civ2 directory called CITYPREF.TXT. The first line should be: @AUTOBUILD Each succeeding line contains the name of a city improvement in the order you want to build them. You don't have to list every city improvement, but each improvement must be spelled -exactly- as it is in RULES.TXT (foreign language versions use the exact spelling from RULES.FRE or RULES.GER as appropriate). Domestic advisor will then choose improvements from this list provided technology is available and city is otherwise eligible to build them. If nothing on list is available, advisor resorts to his normal algorithm. The military advisor will make his picks as usual. However, you can order him never to build "defensive" type units by inserting the line @NODEFEND at the beginning or end of the CITYPREF.TXT file (don't put it between the @AUTOBUILD line and the list of improvements). An example file: @NODEFEND @AUTOBUILD Temple Marketplace Library The file is re-read every time you click the "AUTO" button on the "What shall we build?" menu, so if you wish you can alter your priorities over the course of a game without reloading. 13. Midgard has monthly turns. Of course, its months are named differently than ours Hel - Jan Sif - Feb Thrd - Mar Frig - Apr Idun - May Loki - Jun Odin - Jul Brag - Aug Thor - Sep Idun - Oct Fryr - Nov Bor - Dec 14. In Fantasy play, ground units permitted underwater can enter the subsea realm from coastal squares. They can often return to the surface world from an undersea mountain. In Midgard, they need to use coastal mountain squares as debarkation points. 15. With the exception of Griffin nests in fantasy/Midgard, flying units can't explore villages or their equivalent, they can only destroy them. All flying units but Thunderbolts, Fireballs, Sorcerers, Ellida, and Skidbladnir can rob the contents of floating nests. 16. There are many units in the various games that cannot be bribed to change sides. In the fantasy and Midgard games, practically the entire Stygian race is immune to bribery. If you attempt to move a diplomatic unit into a square containing a single unit of another tribe in an attempt to bribe it and nothing happens, this is the reason. No notice will be given. The same is true if you attempt to bribe a unit in a stack of units. 17. In order to play The Test of Time multiplayer games on the internet via the Internet Gaming Zone you must install DirectX 6 (or newer) when you install the product. If you do not install DirectX, the multiplayer internet portion of the game will not launch or run properly. 18. You may have noticed that in the Fantasy and Midgard games, the number of tribes has been reduced from 21 to 7. We reluctantly did this in order to keep the sizes of the games' two events files within acceptable memory bounds. It has no impact on play, but can cause confusion in setup when you first encounter the 'Select Your Tribe' screen. Instead of looking at 21 different tribes, you will see 7 tribes each repeated 3 times. The 3 tribes of each race differ only in the name of the leader, so whichever one you choose you will get the same gaming experience. 19. In the Fantasy, Science Fiction and Midgard game types you may no longer bribe (incite a revolt in) barbarian cities if there is an unbribable barbarian unit in that city. 20. You cannot select the 'Start on Pre-made World' option in multi-player for Fantasy or Science Fiction. If you still want to play multi-player for these games, we suggest the following alternative. Have the host start on a pre-made world in single-player mode and, when arriving at the start of play, save the game. Then begin multi-player from this saved position. It may not be perfect, but it works. 21. Note that many of the events that occur in the Midgard Scenario happen differently or not at all in the Fantasy game and vice-versa. For example, bribing a dwarf in the Midgard scenario produces a different result than bribing one in the Fantasy game. 22. Many units have a single letter prefix before their name. The letter indicates the initial of the only race that may build it. For example, 'B Old Man' signifies that only the Buteos may build the Old Man unit. Units that may be built by more than one race or by no race have not been given a prefix. 23. If, because of a diplomatic treaty, a player is asked to remove one of his units to a friendly city but can't because he doesn't have any on the map, the attitude of the offended tribe toward him will change for the worse as a penalty. 24. A diplomat or spy-type unit can be expelled to a city on any map with no consideration of how it got there. We assume that, within the turn length, it had the time to find an appropriate mode of conveyance and travel to where it needed to go. 25. When playing on lower end machines ( closer to the minimum specification ) we have found it benificial to turn off unit animation and also to turn off the spinning globe ( by clicking on it). This is very helpfull when hosting a multiplayer game on a lower end system. 26. With regret, we must announce that we can no longer support a map editor with this product. Test of Time will accept maps made by a map editor included in any of the other Civ II products, however. 27. If for some reason you are unable to play the movies in the game or cannot play multiplayer over the internet please make sure you installed Direct X media and Direct X 6. Both of these items are in the installer and should have been installed. If you did not install them when you installed the program please re-install and say yes when the options are presented to install these items.