DESERT STRIKE: THE RETURN TO THE GULF CONTENTS -------- WHAT`S NEW............................3 IMPROVED GRAPHICS.....................3 IMPROVED SOUND........................3 THE STORY SO FAR......................3 LOADING THE GAME......................4 COPYING DESERT STRIKE.................4 TO LOAD DESERT STRIKE.................4 THE MAIN MENU.........................5 GATEWAY TO THE GAME...................5 SELECT YOUR COPILOT...................5 SELECT CONTROL TYPE...................6 SELECT SOUND MODE.....................6 SELECT IN-GAME MOVIE SEQUENCES........6 ENTER PASSWORD........................7 START CAMPAIGN........................7 CONTROLLING YOUR CHOPPER..............7 JOYSTICK CONTROL......................8 MOUSE CONTROL.........................8 KEYBOARD CONTROL......................8 THE MAP...............................9 MAP FUNCTION..........................9 STATUS FUNCTION.......................9 MISSION FUNCTION......................10 APACHE INFORMATION....................10 ABOUT THE APACHE......................11 FUEL..................................11 AMMUNITION............................11 POWER.................................11 THE SUPER WINCH.......................12 EXTRA LIFE............................12 THE END OF A CAMPAIGN.................12 THE PASSWORD..........................12 SNAFUS................................12 CAMPAIGN OVERVIEWS....................12 CAMPAIGN 1: AIR SUPERIORITY...........13 QUICK START...........................13 CAMPAIGN 2: SCUD BUSTER...............16 CAMPAIGN 3: EMBASSY CITY..............18 CAMPAIGN 4: NUCLEAR STORM.............21 WEAPONS APPENDIX......................22 WHAT'S NEW ---------- We know you want quality. So when it came to designing the Amiga version of Desert Strike there was 1 question on everybody's lips - what can be done to improve the game? IMPROVED GRAPHICS ----------------- The Amiga's 64 colour extra half-brite mode offered us the chance to bring you realistic graphics including shadows, smoke and shading, 64 on-screen colours mean you feel the heat of every explosion. To give the game greater depth the movie sequences that explain the areas of the plot were re-drawn using a 32 colour palette - they now look better and faster! Digitised screens and technical info supplied by military hardware manufacturers give a more authentic feel to other parts of the game. IMPROVED SOUND -------------- Digitised sound effects taken from actual Apache manoeuvres give you a seat of the pants ride and a perfect excuse to blow up the smallest targets! A stereo sound system supplies the depth and realism that you've always wanted. And all this form a reservoir of music and effects over 2Megabytes in size. THE STORY SO FAR ---------------- The Middle East. A melting pot of religions, races and confliction arguments. Without warning a madman has emerged from this background and threatened to start Armageddon. The Governments of the world known very little about this menace, the self-styled "General" Kilbaba, but we have enough evidence of his military capabilities to take his threats very seriously. The President has chosen you to fly a series of dangerous pre-emptive desert campaigns to vanquish this maniac. LOADING THE GAME ---------------- As the world is not a perfect place we are unable to guarantee that your Desert Strike disks will last until the end of time. What we can do is advise you to make a copy of your disks and play with the back-ups. If you ever experience problems with the backups just make another copy - simple as that! TO MAKE A COPY OF YOUR DESERT STRIKE DISKS: ------------------------------------------- 1. Turn the Amiga on(Amiga 1000 owners insert kickstart 1.2/1.3). 2. Insert your workbench disk into drive df0:. 3. If you have a single drive system, take the workbench disk out and insert the original Desert Strike disk 1 into df0:. If you have two drives, simply insert disk 1 into another drive. 4. A disk 1 icon appears on the Workbench screen. Place the mouse pointer on disk 1 and left click to highlight it. 5. Pull down the workbench menu from the menu bar. Drag the bar down to duplicate and release the mouse button. Users with Workbench 2.0 or higher. Select the copy command from the icon menu. 6. Follow the on screen instructions, depending on your system you may have to swap disks from time to time. 7. Once the computer has copied Disk 1 repeat steps 3 to 6 for disk 2 and 3. 8. After the disks are copied, put your original Desert Strike disks away for safekeeping. Play from your copies of the original disks. Be sure to leave them write protected -push the black tab up so you can see through the hole. TO LOAD DESERT STRIKE: ---------------------- 1. Put the Desert Strike disk 1 into drive df0:. If the computer has a second disk drive then insert disk 2 into it. When running from a single drive system, the program will prompt you to enter disks 2 and 3. 2. Turn the computer ON. 3. The opening animations to the game will appear, and set the scene. If you want to skip these sequences and go to the Main Menu, click the left mouse button or fir button on the joystick. THE MAIN MENU ------------- GATEWAY TO THE GAME ------------------- The Main Menu is used to control the sound types, select your Co-Pilot and enter a password. You will only see the Main Menu screen at the very start of a game or after a password restart. SELECT YOUR CO-PILOT -------------------- Left click on the button to go to the Co-Pilot screen. The Co-Pilot is responsible for aiming the gun and operating the winch. All the Co-Pilots have combat experience and are capable of 'mixing it up' with the best of them - although some are better than others. Choosing a capable Co-Pilot makes your job easier. The Co-Pilot screen gives you the low down on every person available. The mug shot is accompanied by the individual's name and call-sign. Read the information below the photo for a brief profile of your Co-Pilot. To view another Co-Pilot left click on the NEXT button. Once the Co-Pilot you want to fly with appears on the screen, left click on the exit button to return to the Main Menu screen. The Co-Pilots name is displayed next to the button. SELECT CONTROL TYPE ------------------- Left click on the button to go to the Control type screen. Choose to control the Apache using the Mouse, Joystick or Keyboard. To select a control type LEFT-CLICK on the button next to the icon - the icon becomes highlighted. LEFT-CLICK on the EXIT button and return to the Main Menu. For information on controlling the Apache see controlling your chopper. SELECT SOUND MODE ----------------- This selection controls the in-game sound effects. LEFT-CLICK on the button to switch between ON and OFF. SELECT IN-GAME MOVIE SEQUENCES ------------------------------ The Movie Sequences are short animations that relate to key moments in the game. The loading of these sequences interrupt the action so you may want to turn them off. To switch between ON and OFF LEFT-CLICK the button. ENTER PASSWORD -------------- Passwords are given when you complete one of the four campaigns. They enable you to restart the game at the stage you left it, kind of like a save feature. LEFT-CLICK on the button to go to the Password screen. A red cursor appears. Use the keyboard to type out the password. Left-click on the Main Menu button to return to the Main Menu screen. If your password was correct the name of the campaign you were playing appears in the box next to Start Campaign button. START CAMPAIGN -------------- The text box next to the button contains the name of the current campaign. LEFT-CLICK the button to strap on the Apache and go find some baddies. Before entering the mission you are given a briefing by the commander-in-chief, who tells you the targets. CONTROLLING YOUR CHOPPER ------------------------ Controlling a multi-million dollar helicopter isn't as difficult as you would think. The Apache flies at a constant altitude so you don't have to worry about the ground -that's good news. The bad news is the occupying army do not agree with your campaign orders and want to stop you from saving the world. It is this attitude which presents you with a problem. They will stop at nothing to try and shoot you and your Apache out of the sky. Fortunately for you and the Apache is capable of travelling very fast and turning around quicker than the average anti-aircraft gun -if you tell it to. JOYSTICK CONTROL ---------------- Be a real chopper pilot and use your stick! Hold down FIRE and move the joystick LEFT or RIGHT to slide slip in the chosen direction -the Apache continues to fire as you do so. Select active weapon - Space Bar View Map screen - F10 or 0 (zero) Quit the game and restart mission or return to Main Menu - SHIFT and ESC. NOTE: If your joystick has two/or more fire buttons(e.g. Python 3, SG Propad, Sega joypad.) the second button(button C) will be used to select the other weapons available. This function is not guaranteed to function on all two or more button joysticks. MOUSE CONTROL ------------- Hold down the Left button and move the mouse LEFT or RIGHT to slide slip in the chosen direction -the Apache continues to fire as you do so. Pressing C centres the mouse control from any movement. View Map screen - F10 or 0 (zero) Quit the game and restart mission or return to Main Menu - SHIFT and ESC. KEYBOARD CONTROL ---------------- # - Pitch Forward ? - Pitch Backwards Z - Roll Left X - Roll Right RETURN - Fire active weapon SPACE - Select active weapon 0 or F10 - View Map screen SHIFT - Quit the game and restart mission ESCAPE - Quit and return to the Main Menu THE MAP ------- Press F10 or 0 (zero) on the keyboard to go to the map screen. The map fulfils a very important role in the game. It is a contact with the world outside your Apache cockpit. While at the map screen the game is PAUSED. The Apache is not using fuel and enemies are unable to cause any damage to the helicopter. Use the map to call up a wealth of information on any campaign target, check out the locations of important items and find out your campaign status. To see the different functions of the map screen, use the mouse or joystick to move the highlighter over the function you want to use and LEFT-CLICK or press the fire button. To leave the map screen, move the highlighter to EXIT and press the fire button. MAP FUNCTION ------------ The map itself shows the region in which you are flying. The Apache shows up as a spinning white cross. Cycle through the targets and items by left-clicking on the cycle arrows. As they appear in the text box so they appear on the map as a flashing icons or coloured dots. STATUS FUNCTION --------------- The status display gives you a report on your progress in the campaign. The mission targets are listed, their status appears next to them. A red status message means that the relevant mission has not yet been completed. MISSION FUNCTION ---------------- Every target and object on the map has a file in the mission log. The file displayed at the mission log screen always corresponds to the target or object in the text box. To view information on another subject, LEFT-CLICK or press the Fire button on the cycle arrows. A number of missions have definite parameters that must be followed. Use the missions log to discover exactly what has to be done. ARMOUR POINTS ------------- Some of the targets have armour points. The number represents the amount of damage that target can take before it is destroyed. POWER POINTS ------------ The enemy's weapons have Power Points. For instance if you get hit by a Rapier SAM which delivers a awesome 100 point punch, your armour will lose 100 points APACHE INFORMATION ------------------ Use the two info boxes to find out how much ammo you have left, the Apache's fuel and armour state, the number of MIA's aboard and your remaining lives. The ammo carried by the Apache is listed. The remaining Hydras, Hellfires and gun rounds are shown by a number next to the relevant weapon. The Apache's fuel and armour states are shown here. These are perhaps the two most important numbers in your campaign. Check them often. The box also tells you how many MIAs you have picked up. Your load can be a maximum of six. For information, see about the Apache. ABOUT THE APACHE ---------------- The Apache helicopter is a machine dedicated to destruction. Packing state-of-the-art weaponry, the Apache is capable of saving the world from "General" Kilbaba - but only if flown correctly. Apart from your flying capabilities there are three other factors that effect your performance - fuel, ammunition and armour. FUEL ---- The Apache can carry a maximum of 100 units of fuel. If the helicopter runs out of fuel it is unable to drive the rotor - and falls to the ground. When your fuel load is down to about 35 seconds worth, you receive an audible warning accompanied by an on-screen message. More fuel can be obtained by picking up fuel barrels. AMMUNITION ---------- You have three weapons available to you: the chain gun, Hydra rockets and Hellfire missiles. The chain gun is aimed and fired by your Co-Pilot who should target the nearest enemy. Having a good hit rate depends on the aptitude of the co-pilot. The Apache can carry a maximum of 1178 cannon rounds. Cannon rounds can be obtained by picking up ammo crates. Hydras are unguided rockets that explode on impact with hard surfaces. They follow a straight line from the Apache until they meet the ground or a target. The Apache can carry a maximum of 32 Hydras. Replacement Hydras can be obtained by picking up ammo crates. Hellfires are guided missiles that, once released, follow a route to the nearest target. Because of there destructive capability they are used against heavy armoured enemies. The Apache can carry a maximum of 8 Hell-fires. Replacement Hellfires can be obtained by picking up the ammo crates. POWER ----- The Apache is protected from bullets, shells and missiles by a layer of armour which is measured in power units. The maximum amount of power is 600 units. As the helicopter is hit, the number of units goes down. When the armour surrounding the Apache becomes so thin as to be life-threating, you receive an audible warning followed by an on-screen message. You obtain replacement power points when you drop MIAs at landing zones. Alternatively, you can pick up cases of armour. THE SUPER WINCH --------------- Used to lift people and supplies into the helicopter, the winch can be upgraded by picking up a "Super Winch". Combining great power with a faster lifting rate the super-winch is essential for tight situations when getting out in the quickest time is essential. EXTRA LIFE ---------- If you're lucky enough to find this item, pick it up and guess what? Yep, you'll get an extra life! THE END OF A CAMPAIGN --------------------- After you've battled through a campaign - leaving a trail of destruction from one side of the map to another - you receive a debriefing. The debriefing gives you details of the enemy that were destroyed and other such important information, as well as your score. If the game ends due to you losing all three lives - maybe you had a bad day or just weren't concentrating - a screen appears that allows you to return to the Main Menu or start the campaign again. LEFT-CLICK or press the FIRE button on the corresponding button to select. THE PASSWORD ------------ At the end of each successful campaign you receive a password. Make sure to write it down if you want to return to the game at the beginning of the next campaign with your score in-tact. The password does not save your Co-Pilot selection. SNAFUS ------ This unlikely looking word is no laughing matter. If you experience a 'situation normal - all fouled up' then you've done only one thing, jeopardised the mission by probably being too trigger happy. A SNAFU occurs when you destroy an object or person vital to the campaign. A message appears, requesting your company back on the frigate. On landing a red-faced General will make you feel very small and then tell you to get back up there and try it again. CAMPAIGN OVERVIEWS ------------------ The Campaign overviews give information about the game that makes it easier to play. In no way is the reading of these overviews crucial to the completion of the game. If you want to be a real hero, do not read any further! We recommend you use these overviews if you are unable to understand the information given to you at the map screen. CAMPAIGN 1 - AIR SUPERIORITY ---------------------------- The explanation of the first campaign can be used as a quickstart to Desert Strike. After following this quickstart you should read the earlier parts of this Loony Production for a fuller understanding of the game. Once you begin a campaign you should not land on the frigate until all the campaign's missions have been completed. QUICKSTART ---------- For the purposes of this quickstart, the top of the screen is north. Using your control device, lift the Apache off the frigate's deck. For more information on controlling the Apache, see controlling your chopper. As soon as you lift of, press F10 or 0 (zero) to check out the map. Your first objective is to destroy the flashing radar sites. Using the mouse, move the pointer upto the cycle arrows and LEFT-CLICK the right arrow until the symbols representing AAA (Anti Aircraft Artillery) appear on the screen. As you see, the radar sites are defended by a number of these guns. Now move the pointer to the mission button and LEFT-CLICK. The information tells you that the AAAs are not heavily armoured and only pack a 20 point strength. You should be able to handle them easily. Return to the Apache by pressing F10, 0 or LEFT-CLICKing on the Exit button. Fly to the southernmost radar site. On your way there you may fly over soldiers fighting on the ground below. Soldiers dressed in brown are MIAs in need of rescue. A rescued MIA will restore 150 points of the Apache's armour when dropped at a landing site. If you fly over skirmishing troops, destroy the enemy soldiers and hand over the MIA, who shouts "Over Here, HELP!". When you're over the MIA, a rope ladder is winched down. The MIA grabs the ladder and is winched up. At the beginning of campaign 1 there are at least 20 MIAs located around the desert. As the campaigns go by the MIAs are gradually killed. With that in mind, it's to your advantage to take out all the enemy ground troops you come across. When you reach the radar site you find one AAA inside the fence and one just outside. The AAAs begin to shoot at you as soon as you are in range. Destroy the AAAs with either your chain gun or a couple of Hydras. As soon as you are safe from AAA fire, attack the radar dish. Since the dish cannot fire back there is no need to use heavy weapons on it - give it a taste of the chain gun. After you destroy the radar dish press F10 to go to the Map Screen you were looking at the information on AAAs so move the pointer to the map button and LEFT-CLICK. As you see, the radar site you just destroyed no longer appears on the map. Fly north towards the remaining radar site, picking up any MIAs you come across. Destroy the radar site. At this point you should still have more than half a tank of fuel. This should be enough to complete the second mission. NOTE: IT IS UNWISE TO ATTEMPT TO COMPLETE THE OBJECTIVES OUT OF ORDER. For example, if you try to complete mission 2 without first destroying the radar sites, the enemy's defence will be better prepared and you're more than likely to lose a life. You're next target is the power station. To get the location of this doomed building, go to the map and use the cycle arrows to call up the power station in the main text box. The icon will flash on the map. Cycle through the enemy weapons to find a safe route to the power station. Try flying north and east, avoiding the heavily defended airfield. ENEMY BUILDINGS AND TENTS SOMETIMES CONTAIN USEFUL SUPPLIES. Take out the Rapiers and AAAs guarding the power station. If you have still plenty of fuel, you might take time to destroy the power station with your chain gun and save your Hydras and Hellfires for targets that shoot back. Notice a tool box appears in the crater left by the destruction of the power station. Go to the map and check how much armour you have. The tool box restores the Apache's armour to full strength. At this point the helicopter could probably use some fuel and ammo. There is a crate in one of the barracks to the south and some fuel drums nearby. The next target is the two airfields. Both targets are very well defended. Try to sneak up on the AAAs and Rapiers and destroy them before they turn around and fire. Never hesitate to retreat. If you take several hits and find your armour is dangerously low, fly to the nearest landing site and drop off any MIAs. This action restores your armour points and you can return to your present objective with a new lease of life. IF POSSIBLE, ALWAYS HAVE AN MIA ON BOARD. Finish destroying the airfield. You have to take out all the planes and all the buildings before the airfield is considered destroyed. If in doubt, check the map. If the icon is still flashing, then at least one object critical to the airfield remains intact. Destroy the other air field. Before moving onto the Command Centres, make sure the Apache is well armoured, fuelled and armed. When you destroy a command centre, the enemy commander attempts to escape. Chase the commander and take him prisoner. Only then you learn where the spy is being held captive. At the same site where the spy is located you find three buildings. One of the three buildings conceals a trap door leading to an underground complex. Destroy each building until you find the trap door. Fly above the trap door and the Apache automatically lands. The Co-Pilot runs in to rescue the spy. In the meantime, a few VDA guns appear on the scene. Destroy the guns and the Co-Pilot and spy emerge from the trap door. Pickup the Co-Pilot and spy, and return to the frigate. After you land, you and your Co-Pilot celebrate on the deck of the frigate and your commander gives you a summary of your score. Notice the password given to you at this screen. Write the password down. For more information on the role of passwords, please see the password. CAMPAIGN 2 - SCUD BUSTER ------------------------ This campaign takes place at midday. In campaign 1 you established Air Superiority. Now it's time to take out the madman's scud launchers. As in campaign 1, first you need to destroy the radar sites. Complete the following 6 missions in order. 1. DESTROY THE RADAR SITES -------------------------- This time there will be three sites to destroy, and two are well defended. 2. START A JAILBREAK -------------------- Make sure you clear the area before you blast a hole in the jail. If the area is not secure, the escaping prisoners may be destroyed before you can pick them up. You only need to pick up 10 prisoners for the mission to be a success. 3. DESTROY THE POWER STATION ---------------------------- This target is well guarded, but you should be able to demolish it without taking too much damage if you know how to dodge the enemy's weapons. 4. DESTROY THE CHEMICAL WEAPONS COMPLEX --------------------------------------- Make sure you have plenty of armour and ammo before attempting this mission. 5. DESTROY THE SCUD LAUNCHERS ----------------------------- After you destroy the chemical weapons complex, the Scud commands start getting nervous and decide to make a run for it rather than risk facing the shame of being caught like rats in their own holes. Now is your chance to capture them and find out the locations of the scud launchers. Firstly, check the map and find out where the scud commanders headquarters are located. Fly from headquarters to headquarters, blasting each one into oblivion and capturing the commander. As you capture each Scud commander, a Scud launcher site appears on the map. Fly to the launchers and see if you can destroy them before a missile is launched. There are 6 launchers in all, destroy at least 5 of them to complete the mission. 6. RESCUE PRISONERS OF WAR (POWs) --------------------------------- With enough ammo, fuel, and the intuition it takes to stay alive, you'll be able to complete this rescue and return to the frigate for new orders. There are 16 POWs in all. You need to rescue 14 of them. Don't let more than 2 men be destroyed or all your work up until now will have been for nothing. CAMPAIGN 3 - EMBASSY CITY ------------------------- This campaign takes place in the early evening. 1. RESCUE U.N. INSPECTORS ------------------------- The United Nations inspectors are under attack near the hotel. Fly in and destroy the enemy tank and ground troops. If you hit the U.N. Inspectors you'll have to restart the campaign again - so be careful. 2. DESTROY BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS COMPLEX ------------------------------------- There is a large biological weapons complex in the northwest area of the desert. The head scientist is hiding in a biological weapons factory surrounded by seven other similar looking structures. Destroy the buildings to find and capture the scientists. When you find the head scientist he gives you the locations of the underground missile silos. 3. DESTROY UNDERGROUND MISSILE SILOS ------------------------------------ In this mission the silos are covered by sand dunes, so you have to do some searching. Use the chain gun to locate the silos armoured covering, (listen for the sound of ricochet when you hit the correct sand dune), then you see if you can blow up the silo before the missile is launched. Sometimes the explosion from the sand dune can blow up a fuel drum, ammo crate, or other objects in the area, so you might want to pick up the supplies before destroying the silo. 4. RESCUE THE PILOTS LOST AT SEA -------------------------------- This mission is fairly easy. Destroy the attack boats without hitting the life rafts and then pick up the pilots. One of the pilots has a valuable piece of information. 5. DESTROY THE POWER STATION ---------------------------- You learn from one of the rescued pilots that the power station contains a radar system which alerts the madman's yacht of potential threats. You have to destroy the power station before attempting the difficult rescue at the yacht. 6. RESCUE PRISONERS ON MADMAN'S YACHT ------------------------------------- After you destroy any enemies in the area, blow a hole in the yacht. The prisoners will leap into the water one by one. Captivity has made the prisoners weak and they cannot stay afloat, so you'd better have a good Co-Pilot. Be care not to bump into the yacht, as the time it takes you to recover control might cost a prisoner his life. If you let more than four prisoners drown then you have to start the campaign again. 7. CAPTURE THE EMBASSY AMBASSADOR --------------------------------- Here you face the heaviest fire power you have encountered so far. Make sure you have a full load of ammo and know where you can get more. Before approaching the area take out the radar station which is providing early warning information. If you're not careful it's possible to lose a number of lives here in a very short period of time. 8. EMBASSY RESCUE ----------------- Your last mission in this campaign is to rescue 12 officials held captive in the Embassy building. In order to drop off the Co-Pilot you must first destroy the enemy helicopters. Once they have been destroyed a landing zone appears. Your Co-Pilot jumps out to drive the bus, so from here you're in control of the gun. Land on the "x" and the rescue sequence begins (provided you turned the in-game movie sequences to ON). After you destroy all the enemies defences, blast open the gate in front of the bus. Your Co-Pilot knows where the Navy Seals camp is located and drives the bus there. The bus is very vulnerable and cannot take much of a beating. You must escort the bus. If the bus is destroyed your Co-Pilot is listed as MIA and you have to start the campaign again. CAMPAIGN 4 - NUCLEAR STORM -------------------------- 1. PROTECT THE OIL FIELDS ------------------------- There are two objectives in this mission: to airlift the commandos to the landing sight in the middle of the airfield and to destroy all the enemy tanks around the oil fields. If you allow the enemy to destroy too many of the oil tanks you will be called back to the frigate and have to begin again. It's important to pick up all the commandos at once. Because the commandos hope to use the element of surprise, their landing site can only be used once. If you don't drop off enough commandos on your first landing you won't be able to complete the mission. 2. STOP THE OIL SPILLS ---------------------- A good Co-Pilot comes in useful here. Before you attempt to close off the pipe it's best to take out the enemy forces stationed near the oil dock. Once the area is safe, go ahead and fire at the end of the pipe. In order for the oil to stop gushing out you have to hit just the right spot on the pipe. Now you're on your own. Make sure you read all the information presented to you on the screen. COMPLETING THE GAME IS HARD - BUT FAR FROM IMPOSSIBLE. WEAPONS APPENDIX ---------------- CHAIN GUN - inflicts 3 points of damage. HYDRA - inflicts 25 points of damage. HELLFIRE - inflicts 100 points of damage.