Field & Stream(R) Trophy Hunting Big Game Edition Version 1.0 Readme File 12/16/99 *************************************************************************************** About This Document: Thank you for purchasing Field & Stream(R) Trophy Hunting Big Game Edition. This document contains last-minute information about Field & Stream(R) Trophy Hunting Big Game Edition and other information about the program not found in the Help Files. This README file includes information that pertains to general problems and questions you may have concerning the game or your computer. Should you experience any problems with Field & Stream(R) Trophy Hunting Big Game Edition, please refer to this file for additional help on answering questions about the game and solving technical difficulties. *************************************************************************************** TABLE OF CONTENTS I. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS II. GENERAL TECHNICAL ISSUES III. DIRECTX TROUBLESHOOTING IV. GENERAL GAME ISSUES V. CONTACTING SIERRA I. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ----------------------- Windows 95/98 Pentium 166 with 3D acceleration (Direct 3D compatible) Pentium 233 without 3D acceleration 32MB RAM 6x CD ROM 350 MB Hard Disk Space Direct X compatible, SVGA 640x480 16-bit color, 4MB Video Memory Direct X compatible sound card Microsoft compatible mouse II. GENERAL TECHNICAL ISSUES ---------------------------- ***** If you experience any video issues with the introduction screen at game startup, re-install Indeo. For your convenience, we've placed Indeo on the root of CD#1 in its own directory. Just run iv5setup.exe to install. ***** 1. Multiplayer -- Please note that firewalls are NOT supported on Internet multiplayer games. This may cause problems to yourself as well as others playing on WON. net. 2. Make sure that if you upgrade your video card, you re-install Trophy Hunting. This will ensure that you get the best possible performance from your new hardware. 3. For the latest drivers on most video cards, please visit and look for the manufacturer of your video card. 4. If you are having problems with general game performance, it could be your graphics card resolution. The following steps will help fix this problem. A. Right-Click on the TBuck.exe or Tbear.exe file in your Sierra\Trophy Hunting directory. B. Highlight and select Create Shortcut. C. Now select the new shortcut and right-click on it. D. Highlight and select Properties. E. A window will pop-up, select the shortcut tab. F. In the text area Target: use your mouse to click at the end of the text highlighted and type: low G. Your Target line should look like this "..\SIERRA\Trophy Hunting\TBuck.exe" low. Or like this "..\SIERRA\Trophy Hunting\TBear.exe" H. Use this shortcut to start the game. You may copy this shortcut to your desktop. This reduces the number of trees in the world to improve graphic performance. 5. If you are using Windows Large Font settings, you may experience text overflow problems in the Preview Section as well as the Mouse Move indicator on the 3D window. To fix this, simply go to your system settings and switch to Small Font settings. 6. If you are using a low-end system, a full install will make your game run smoother. If you do a Standard install on the minimum system requirements, your game will run slower. 7. Trophy Hunting requires you to have a minimum setting of 640x480 with 16-bit color. If you are running in 16 color or 256 color, you need to change your settings to 16-bit color. All other changes are made by Trophy Hunting. 8. If you have a Matrox G400 accelerator card you will experience problems running in the arcade. To correct this, switch to full screen view (v). Matrox has fixed the problem and it will be available on the 10/8/99 driver release. To get this, go to and follow the download instructions for the 5_30 driver. Matrox is also verifying the game against their other 3d cards. If you are experiencing problems with any Matrox card please check their website for driver updates. 9. We have identified problems with the Matrox M3D card. If you have this and are experiencing performance problems check for the latest drivers. If the problems still occur, use the Software edition of the game by double clicking the "Software - Trophy Hunting Big Game Edition" Icon within the Trophy Hunting folder. 10. We've noticed on some Matrox Millennium cards the screen will occasionally flash. Other than a minor visual inconvenience there are no other problems that accompany this. 11. Only 3d accelerator cards that are FULLY compatible with Direct3D will display weather effects such as rain or snow. Most cards with 3DFX chips fully support Direct3D. 12. 3DFX VOODOO2 accelerated cards may have a problem moving the mouse while walking. Please check for the latest drivers for your card. A quick fix is to play in Mouse View. 13. If you are experiencing sound problems, verify that your sound card supports EAX. If this is not supported, you will need to go into the game options and select different speaker settings. 14. When running on a Diamond MX300 and using the AUREAL driver # 4.06.2017 some in-game sounds may drop out. To correct, download the AUREAL driver labeled MX300. 15. To access help or guide services you need Internet Explorer 4.0+ or Netscape Navigator 4.0+. 16. When playing multiplayer games it is strongly advised to have the best machine as the server. 17. Alt-Tab has been disabled in Trophy Hunting. We do not recommend running applications in the background. 18. The standard install only installs about 350mb on FAT-32 machines. The full install installs about 648mb on FAT-32 machines. III. DIRECTX TROUBLESHOOTING ============================ DIRECT X TROUBLESHOOTING Trophy Hunting uses Microsoft's Direct X 6.1. If the sound or the video drivers are not compatible with DirectX, it can cause the game to suddenly return to the Windows desktop, cause invalid page faults, lockups, and other problems. Note: Even a new computer may not ship with DirectX Certified drivers. To check driver compatibility for your system, use the DXDIAG program included with the DirectX installation. If you have already installed DirectX 6.1 installed on your system, it will be in the PROGRAM FILES\DIRECTX\SETUP directory on your hard drive. To use DXDIAG do the following: Left-click on START, highlight FIND and then left-click on FILES OR FOLDERS. In the FIND window, make sure that the LOOK IN box is pointing to the drive letter of your C: drive. In the NAMED box, type in DXDIAG and left-click on FIND NOW or press ENTER. Double-click on DXDIAG to activate the program. Running DXDIAG will bring up a window that has several tabs across the top. To check the status of the drivers currently loaded into your system find the tab that reads DirectX Drivers. The Display driver and Audio driver are the two most important, and compatibility is especially critical. This window will show the Component, such as the Display driver, followed by the Version and the word "Yes" or "No" may appear in the CERTIFIED column if Microsoft has certified the driver as compliant. There are a few possible combinations to look for: Certified - Indicates that this driver is fully compliant as certified by Microsoft. This is ideal. Version number listed - If the version number appears, but the driver is not certified, then the driver has DirectX support built-in but has not yet been officially approved by Microsoft. These drivers will usually be fine, but may be imperfect. It is always a good idea to check with the hardware manufacturer for a newer driver that is fully certified. No Version number - No version number or certification indicates an unknown driver. This may work, but probably will not support DirectX properly. Check for a newer driver. DXDIAG also allows you to test your drivers for compatibility. You may click on either the Display or Sound tabs to test your drivers. The test results may expose a problem with your drivers in one of the procedures. While your sound or video may pass most of the tests, if any one test fails it could cause a problem that may prevent the game from working as it is designed. Updating your drivers - Always be sure that you have the latest drivers for your video card and sound card. Having certified drivers is the best assurance that a game or application requiring DirectX will work on your system. Most manufacturers have drivers available on their web page for download, free of charge. Drivers are frequently updated to keep the hardware current and to fine tune performance. If no new driver exists for your brand of video card, try the manufacturer of the chipset used on your card. S3 and Tseng, for example, are two of the larger chip manufacturers who also supply generic drivers for their chipsets that are DirectX compatible. Be aware that generic drivers will not always work with some video cards. IV. GENERAL GAME ISSUES ------------------------ 1. Controls: General Default Esc Exits Current Game F2 Inventory Item #1 F3 Inventory Item #2 F4 Inventory Item #3 F8 Map in Fullscreen Mode V Full Screen Mode (with hardware acceleration only) B Big Map C Camp Screen O Options Space Bar Raises and Lowers Firearm 2. Controls: Shooting Mode Up Arrow Aim Higher Down Arrow Aim Lower Left Arrow Turn Left Right Arrow Turn Right Ctrl Fires Firearm 3. Controls Walking Mode Up Arrow Walk Forward SHIFT+Up Arrow Run Forward ALT+Up Arrow Sneak Forward Down Arrow Walk Backward SHIFT+Down Arrow Run Backward ALT+Down Arrow Sneak Backward Left Arrow Turn Left SHIFT+Left Arrow Turn Left - Fast Increments ALT+Left Arrow Sidestep Left ALT+SHIFT+Left Arrow Sidestep Left Quickly Right Arrow Turn Right SHIFT+Right Arrow Turn Right - Fast Increments ALT+Right Arrow Sidestep Right ALT+SHIFT+Right Arrow Sidestep Right Quickly Pgup Look Up PgDwn Look Down 4. Mouse Controls Left Click Mouse Selection button. Can enable and disable mouse walk-mode in 3D world (when firearm is lowered.) Also is used to Fire firearm when in mouse walk-mode. Right Click Mouse When using the mouse walk-mode this will raise and lower your firearm. 5. Installing the Game -- 1. Start Windows 95/98. 2. Insert the Field & Stream(R) Trophy Hunting CD 1 into the CD-ROM drive. 3. When the AUTORUN window appears, click on INSTALL and follow the on-screen instructions. (If the install window does not appear, start Install by double- clicking Autorun on the Field & Stream(R) Trophy Hunting CD.) 6. Starting the Game -- 1. Start Windows 95/98. 2. Insert the Field & Stream(R) Trophy Hunting CD 2 into the CD-ROM drive. 3. When the AUTORUN window appears, click on PLAY to start the game. (You can also start it from the Sierra folder by double-clicking the game icon.) 4. You can also start the game from the Windows "Start" menu in the Sierra\ Trophy Hunting - Big Game Edition shortcut, by clicking the game icon. 7. Uninstall the Game -- 1. Click the "Uninstall" Button on AUTORUN Screen. 2. From Windows "Start" menu, go to "Programs", go to "Sierra\Trophy Hunting - Big Game Edition" and click "UnInstall Trophy Hunting - Big Game Edition". 8. Deer Sign Indicators When playing the game, we've provided several game sign indicators to aid you in your hunt. These appear in the upper left corner of your 3D window. 1. Blue Bedding area 2. Green Carrion/Feeding area 3. Brown Droppings 4. Red Tracks 5. Bright Red Blood 9. Since headshots are not regular practice among big game hunters, we made the hit zone very small on the head of all species. 10. Don't be discouraged if it takes a few shots to drop a moose. It is very rare to kill a moose with one shot. HAPPY HUNTING!!!! V.CONTACTING SIERRA ======================= A) Customer Service, Support, and Sales B) Technical Support C) Legal Information A) Customer Service, Support, and Sales ---------------------------------- United States U.S.A. Sales Phone: (800) 757-7707 Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week International Sales: (425) 746-5771 Hours: Monday-Friday 8 AM to 4 PM PST FAX: (916) 939-1010 Sierra Direct P O Box 629001 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762-9972 Email: United Kingdom Havas Interactive Main: (0118) 920-9111 Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fax: (0118) 987-5603 Disk/CD replacements in the U.K. are £6.00, or £7.00 outside the UK. Add "ATTN.: Returns." 2 Beacontree Plaza, Gillette Way, Reading, Berkshire RG2 0BS United Kingdom France Havas Interactive Téléphone: 01-46-01-46-50 Lundi au Jeudi de 10h à 19h Vendredi de 10h à 18h Fax: 01-46-30-00-65 Parc Tertiaire de Meudon Immeuble "Le Newton" 25 rue Jeanne Braconnier 92366 Meudon La Forêt Cedex France Germany Havas Interactive Tel: (0) 6103-99-40-40 Montag bis Freitag von 9h - 19Uhr Fax: (0) 6103-99-40-35 Robert-Bosh-Str. 32 D-63303 Dreieich Germany On-Line Sales CompuServe United Kingdom:GO UKSIERRA CompuServe France: GO FRSIERRA CompuServe Germany: GO DESIERRA Internet USA: Internet United Kingdom: Internet France: Internet Germany: Disk and or Manual Replacement: Product Returns*: Havas Interactive Sierra On-Line Returns 4100 West 190th Street Torrance, CA 90504 Havas Interactive Sierra On-Line CD/Doco Replacement 4100 West 190th Street Torrance, CA 90504 NOTE: To replace your cd(s) please send only the damaged cd and copy of your dated Receipt, if less then 90 days. After 90 days please include a $10.00 handling fee along with the cd(s). For Documentation replacement, please include a $5.00 handling fee and a photocopy ONLY of either your disk or cd. Payment should be made at the time of your request. Sorry, no credit cards. * Returns to this address valid in North America only. B) TECHNICAL SUPPORT ------------------------- North America Sierra On-Line offers a 24-hour automated technical support line with recorded answers to the most frequently asked technical questions. To access this service, call (425) 644-4343, and follow the recorded instructions to find your specific topic and resolve the issue. If this fails to solve your problem, you may still write, or fax us with your questions, or contact us via our Web site. Sierra On-Line Technical Support P.O. Box 85006 Bellevue, WA 98015-8506 Main: (425) 644-4343 Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.- 4:45 p.m. PST Fax: (425) 644-7697 United Kingdom Havas Interactive offers a 24-hour Automated Technical Support line with recorded answers to the most frequently asked technical questions. To access this service, call (0118) 920-9111, and follow the recorded instructions to find your specific topic and resolve the issue. If this fails to solve your problem, you may still write, or fax us with your questions, or contact us via our Internet or CompuServe sites. Havas Interactive 2 Beacontree Plaza, Gillette Way, Reading, Berkshire RG2 0BS United Kingdom Main: (0118) 920-9111 Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fax: (0118) 987-5603 France Havas Interactive Parc Tertiaire de Meudon Immeuble "Le Newton" 25 rue Jeanne Braconnier 92366 Meudon La Forêt Cedex France Téléphone: 01-46-01-46-50 Lundi au Jeudi de 10h à 19h Vendredi de 10h à 18h Fax: 01-46-30-00-65 Germany Havas Interactive Robert-Bosh-Str. 32 D-63303 Dreieich Deutschland Tel: (0) 6103-99-40-40 Montag bis Freitag von 9 - 19Uhr Fax: (0) 6103-99-40-35 Mailbox: (0) 6103-99-40-35 Spain Havas Interactive Avenida de Burgos 9 1º-OF2 28036 Madrid Spain Teléfono: (01) 383-2623 Lunes a Viernes de 9h30 a 14h y de 15h a 18h30 Fax: (01) 381-2437 Italy Contattare il vostro distribotore. C) Sierra Warranty & Legal Information ----------------------------------- Sierra's end user license agreement, limited warranty and return policy is set forth in the EULA.txt, found on the CD, and is also available during the install of the product. Copyright (1999 Sierra On-Line, Inc.)