============================ NASCAR® Legends PATCH README Version 04/04/00 ============================ [ To read this file, select Edit/Word Wrap from the menu above ] TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. NOTES 2. GENERAL 3. MULTIPLAYER - GENERAL 4. MULTIPLAYER - DEDICATED SERVER 5. MULTIPLAYER - DEDICATED SERVER COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS 6. MULTIPLAYER - DEDICATED SERVER REMOTE ADMINISTRATION 7. CONTACTING SIERRA ************************************************************************ Some of the multiplayer-specific changes included in this patch make NASCAR® Legends version clients and servers incompatible with the release version clients and servers. NASCAR® Legends' Internet Multiplayer now requires that Winsock2 be installed on the system. Win98, WinNT 4.0, and Win2000 come with these files, however some of the original releases of Win95 do not. If you have on older Win95 system and are experiencing problems connecting to the WON servers and are unsure if your Win95 install includes Winsock2, it is recommended that you install the following Windows Sockets 2 Upgrade from Microsoft: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/downloads/bin/W95ws2setup.exe ************************************************************************ 1. NOTES -------- ALT-TAB now works in all 3 rasterizers. Fixed a crashing bug when creating new driver after t_player.car had been deleted. Improved AI pacing and caution behavior. Fixed a crashing bug in F9 black box display. Added cloudy weather option. Added new 3-Wide high and low spotter messages. 16-bit sound driver now allows game to run on machines with no soundcard installed. Fixed a crashing bug with controls that calibrated with negative values. Fixed a crashing bug in replay system. Fixed a crashing bug with more than 40 calendar entries. Fixed a bug in championship season if no SEASONS directory. Fixed awarding of bonus points in Championship Season races. Fixed a bug in Championship Season standings. Fixed tire temp bug after restoring a saved Championship Season race. Fixed a bug when editing setup comments. Fixed incorrect torsion bar settings in exported car setups. Fixed a bug in multiplayer init when Internet box was not checked. Fixed multiplayer bogus spotter messages while on starting grid. Fixed a multiplayer crashing bug with mismatch of field size in multiplayer init. Fixed a multiplayer crashing bug joining arenas, if a race server posted invalid data to the matching server. Fixed a multiplayer bug where remote cars viewing replay can cause yellow flags to be dropped. Fixed a multiplayer bug where names and custom cars could be blocked at server. Fixed a multiplayer bug where a player can get stuck on the starting grid. Fixed a multiplayer bug where slave machine would not have correct yellow/green flag status. Fixed a multiplayer bug where slave machine could get stuck in pits after a combination of two or more black conditions. Fixed a multiplayer timing problem with extrapolation. Fixed client qualifying standings in multiplayer, so that the host car is no longer shown with best qualifying time to clients. Fixed lap display in multiplayer for client standings. Fixed multiplayer race info to update properly during race sessions. Fixed multiplayer backwards driving warning messages in qualifying. Fixed multiplayer bug in fixed setup races. 2. GENERAL ---------- SKIP INTRO MOVIE If you wish to skip the NASCAR® Legends intro movie the keyword NOVIDEO to your NL.INI DIRECTINPUT CHANGES Added support for up to 16 DirectInput buttons (instead of 4) and direct gear selection devices, such as the Act Labs RS Shifter. Any button can be assigned to a gear by adding the line 'GEARS X X X X' to the NL.INI file, where the four X values are replaced by the number of the button which will be used to shift to that gear. For example, to use the RS Shifter, the line would read 'GEARS 6 7 1 2' because the four shift positions on the shifter (in that order) replace the 6, 7, 1, and 2 buttons (in that order). This change can be used to specify buttons on any control device for direct shifting, not just on a dedicated shifter. Be careful not to specify buttons which are used for other controls, as the User Interface will not display any warnings. ALTERNATE MIRROR The patch adds a new mirror option to the game. While driving, you may use the M key to toggle between the original 3-pane mirror and the new single pane convex mirror. Your mirror preference will be saved from your previous single player race or testing session. The mirror parameters can be specified in the NL.INI file. For the standard 3 panel mirrors the following lines are required for editing, and these values are the default parameters. X Y Z Yaw(degrees) ScaleY ScaleZ ScaleDepth MIRRL 0 0 8000 -102 150000 250000 93592 MIRRC 0 0 8000 0 150000 275000 458888 MIRRR 0 0 8000 102 150000 250000 93592 For the new convex mirror: X Y Z Yaw(degrees) FOV(degrees) ScaleZ ScaleDepth MIRRX -7500 0 6000 10 200 270000 65536 3. MULTIPLAYER - GENERAL ------------------------ CREATE INTERNET ID When you select an Internet race, you will need to create a User ID. If you do not already have a User ID and Password, simply click the "Create Internet ID" button in the Multiplayer Connect screen to be taken to a web form which you will use to create them. Make sure to remember your password as there currently is no way to recover a forgotten password! After you have created your User ID, you will then be able to reenter the game and use this newly created UserID and Password to join Internet games. If you experience problems, you may go directly to the following web page to register: https://www.won.net/community/registration/ LOGIN After you have created a User ID, you can use the "Continue" button in the Multiplayer Connect screen. If you elected to save your password in the last login or when you created your user ID, you won't need to enter them again. If all goes well, you should advance to the "Available Races" screen and see "Successfully logged in" followed by "Got arena names", "Connected to Chat", and finally "Logged in to chat room". If you don't see the full sequence after a few seconds, try reselecting the arena. CHAT While you are waiting to join a race, you will be in an arena chat room. You can chat with any other users who are in this room. You will see a list of users on the bottom right of the screen. Names listed in white are in the chat arena with you, while users who are shown in gray have joined a race and are no longer connected to arena chat. You may toggle the Users list to also show the contents of your Invite, Buddy, and Muzzle lists (see section below for more information on these lists). PRIVATE CHAT If you want to send a private chat message to a single user, you can use either of the following commands; .userid message /whisper userid message INVITE, BUDDY, AND MUZZLE LISTS There are three special lists of users that you can create in order to help you to select what users you can chat and race with. The INVITE list lets you select users that would like to invite to join passworded races that you host, even if they do not know the password. The BUDDY list is like the invite list, but it does not include the ability to override the password when you are hosting a race. The MUZZLE list lets you select users that you do not want to see chat from, and that you do not want to be able to join races that you host. To send to everyone in your INVITE list, use the LESS THAN '<' key as the first character in your chat message. To send to everyone in your BUDDY list, use the COMMA ',' key as the first character in your chat message. Note these private chat methods only work in ARENA chat. Once you get into the race, you will be using the established "in game" chat commands. You can add and remove users from your INVITE, BUDDY, and MUZZLE lists several ways. The easiest way is with the "Users" list in the Available Races screen, hold down the appropriate key, and mouse-click on a user ID. CTRL + Mouse-Click to toggle the INVITE state for a user. SHIFT + Mouse-Click to toggle the BUDDY state for a user. ALT + Mouse-Click to toggle the MUZZLE state for a user. You can also use a chat command to turn on or off membership in each group, using the following commands: /invite userID /uninvite userID /buddy userID /unbuddy userID /muzzle userID /unmuzzle userID In each case you should see a message displayed to confirm the action. When you exit the game, all of your membership lists are saved to disk as text files that can be edited. The filenames are INVITE.LST, MUZZLE.LST, and BUDDY.LST. Next time you run, your membership lists will be set up from these files. ARENA ENTRANCE MESSAGES You can enable or disable display of arena user enter and exit messages by using check box on the main multiplayer screen. Additionally once you have connected to an arena you can use the following two commands to turn these notification messages on and off: /users Turns arena entrance messages ON /nousers Turns arena entrance messages OFF IN GAME ARENA CHAT Arena chat and chat commands can be integrated with in-game chat. By default you will be disconnected from arena chat when you enter a race, but you may override this and turn arena chat on and off with the following commands: /chat Turns arena chat ON. /nochat Turns arena chat OFF. You will need to preface your message with '>' to send chat out to the arena: >message By default the "/chat" command will connect back to your previous chat room, however you man join specific chat rooms via the "/joinroom" command. This command is case insensitive and will match based on partial names. For example, "/joinroom bow" will join the NASCAR® Legends "Bowman Gray" chat room. IN GAME WHISPER CHAT You may send private chat messages to individual drivers from the in game chat using their car number or userid: #userid message #nn message (where nn is the car number) NEW EXTRAPOLATOR The new extrapolator will affect how others see your car and should help to reduce warping. You may toggle the use of new extrapolator by pressing ALT and E keys at the same time. CONNECTION QUALITY DIAGNOSTICS Information about the quality of your connection can be toggled by pressing ALT and Y keys at the same time. If you are experiencing warping and disappearing opponents, please take note of whether or not you're seeing packet loss and connection quality messages. Note that you will always see a connection quality diagnostic messages at session transitions. EJECTING DRIVERS As the host you may wish to eject drivers causing problems in your race. To do this simply use the arrows on left side of the race weekend screen to toggle the multi-function display to the Player List and then hold ALT and click the mouse cursor on the driver's name you wish to eject. SECURITY MEASURES Additionally as host you may wish to prevent drivers from joining your race if they have altered their version of the game in a attempt to gain an unfair advantage. To do this add the keyword SECURITY to your NL.INI as shown: SECURITY n Using 0 will issue a chat warning message for suspected cheaters, while 1 will enable auto-eject of suspected cheaters. 4. MULTIPLAYER - DEDICATED SERVER -------------------------------------------------------- DEDICATED SERVER You can now run NASCAR® Legends as an unattended standalone race server. If you run the game in this mode, the race will sequence from start to finish without any operator intervention. Note that you will not be able to participate in the race if you run in standalone server mode. Note that GRAPHICS WILL BE DISABLED when you start a race. If you want to see graphics on the standalone server, you will need to shift the focus away from the race server window and then back again. This is done in order to eliminate the CPU hit caused by rendering, and thus improve the quality of hosting with minimum system resources. The other primary enhancement in the NASCAR® Legends dedicated server is the addition of MUZZLE and INVITE lists, as mentioned above. You can create lists of user ID's that you would like to keep out of races you host (MUZZLE) or that you would like to be able to join races you host (INVITE) even if they do not have the password for the race. By default you will get the standard muzzle and invite lists that are installed on your server (MUZZLE.LST and INVITE.LST). You can override these by specifying 'invite' and 'muzzle' files in the server command parameters. 5. MULTIPLAYER - DEDICATED SERVER COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS -------------------------------------------------------- If NASCAR® Legends is run as a dedicated server, it will set up a race server with options specified on the command line, and sequence through the race. The format for command line arguments for a dedicated server race is as follows (see included SERVER.BAT and SETUP.NET for examples): "serv: arg1 value arg2 value ... argn value" The following argument tokens are recognized: race nn // Sets race number from current calendar. len nn // Sets race percent. mode n // 0 = sim, 1 = arcade d n // 0 = no damage, 1 = arcade damage, 2 = full damage y n // 0 = disable yellow flags, 1 = enable. p n // 0 = disable pace lap, 1 = enable pace lap df n // 0 = disable doublefile restarts, 1 = enable doublefile ai n // 0 = disable AI cars, 1 = enable AI cars to fill field. fix n // 0 = open setup, 1 = used fixed setups. sm n // 0 = user specified, 1 = force smoke for all clients. pr nn // Length in minutes for practice session. wu nn // Length in minutes for warmup session. ro nn // Length of race over session. Default is 15 minutes. temp nn // Specify temperature, in 1 degree increments. windspd nn // Specify wind speed, 1 MPH increments winddir nn // Specify wind direction 0-7 clockwise where 0=North weather n // 0 = random weather, 1 = clear weather, 2 = cloudy weather. maxp nn // Specifies max drivers in the race. maxc nn // Specifies max client connections allowed. name MyName // Specifies host name for race host. passw 'Password' // Specified race password. admin 'Password' // Specifies administration password. lat nnn // Specifies max latency. invite 'invite.lst' // Specifies users to allow w/o them needing to enter a password muzzle 'muzzle.lst' // Specifies users to be muzzled from race file name.ext // Specifies a file to read more setup options from. stn name.ext // Specifies to save a .WON file in EXPORTS directory with race results. // A STAR character ('*') will substitute the current datestamp for that character. // If you have MULTI_LOG enabled, that file will use same filename with .LOG // extension. uid UserID // Alternate User ID for WON login. upw UserPW // Login password to match uid. log n // Specifies to save a multi log file. // Same as "MULTI_LOG n" in INI file. replay n // 1 = enable autosave of replay, 0 = disable auto-replay save. // BE CAREFUL, REPLAYS CAN FILL UP HARD DISKS QUICKLY // Replay will be saved using the name specified by the "stn 'name'" // dedicated server command. security n // 0 = issue chat warning only for suspected cheaters // 1 = enable auto-eject of suspected cheaters. // Default is 0. Same as 'SECURITY n' in INI file. disp n // Sets debugging mode so that display is active when running // dedicated server mode. // Default is NO DISPLAY - use 1 to enable display. nologin n // 1 = allows a dedicated server to run on a LAN with no WON // login authentication. Default is 0 banner 'Hello message' // Allows Internet dedicated server to display a simple chat // message when users connect to the server. // * Chat message must be less than 60 characters long * // * Do not use with NOLOGIN 1 * There is an NL.INI keyword that you may want to use if you are running a dedicated server. The WINDOWED keyword will run NASCAR® Legends in a window rather than running a full-screen application, if you have selected the software rasterizer. In particular, you may need to use this keyword to run reliably under WIN-NT Note that use of NASCAR® Legends running under WINDOWS NT is not supported by Sierra On-Line. 6. MULTIPLAYER - DEDICATED SERVER REMOTE ADMINISTRATION -------------------------------------------------------- If an "admin" password is specified on the command line, this will allow a remote administrator to control the race server. The remote administrator does this using various chat commands. The first chat command is to send the admin password, using the following command: /ADMIN Password. NOTE - all of the chat commands, as well as command-line commands, are CASE SENSITIVE. Make sure to use correct case! If a remote client system requests administrator privilege and it is granted, that client can then issue the following administrator commands: /DRP_YELLOW // Force a yellow flag to be thrown. #nn/DRP_BLACK // Issue a BLACK FLAG to specified driver. #nn/CLR_BLACK // CLEAR BLACK FLAG for specified driver. /HOLD // Request a session (practice or warmup ) be HELD. /START // Request advance to next session. #nn/EJECT // Eject driver #nn. #nn/LAPADD // Add a lap for driver #nn #nn/LAPREMOVE // Remove a lap for driver #nn (Note that in the above commands you may also replace #nn with #userid) Note, the lap commands and black flag commands must be issued BEFORE RACE IS COMPLETE. Once a race has been scored, further modifications cannot be made! Additionally the host of the race may eject drivers directly from the Player List in the multi-function display on the left side of the race weekend screen. To do this simply use the arrows to toggle the display to the Player List and then hold ALT and click the mouse cursor on the driver's name you wish to eject. 7. CONTACTING SIERRA -------------------- A) Customer Service, Support, and Sales B) Technical Support C) Legal Information A) Customer Service, Support, and Sales ---------------------------------- United States U.S.A. Sales Phone: (800) 757-7707 Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week International Sales: (425) 746-5771 Hours: Monday-Friday 8 AM to 4 PM PST FAX: (916) 939-1010 Sierra Direct P O Box 629001 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762-9972 Email: customer.support@sierra.com http://www.sierra.com United Kingdom Havas Interactive Main: (0118) 920-9111 Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fax: (0118) 987-5603 Disk/CD replacements in the U.K. are £6.00, or £7.00 outside the UK. 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After 90 days please include a $10.00 handling fee along with the cd(s). For Documentation replacement, please include a $5.00 handling fee and a photocopy ONLY of either your disk or cd. Payment should be made at the time of your request. Sorry, no credit cards. * Returns to this address valid in North America only. B) TECHNICAL SUPPORT ------------------------- North America Sierra On-Line offers a 24-hour automated technical support line with recorded answers to the most frequently asked technical questions. To access this service, call (425) 644-4343, and follow the recorded instructions to find your specific topic and resolve the issue. If this fails to solve your problem, you may still write, or fax us with your questions, or contact us via our Web site. Sierra On-Line Technical Support P.O. Box 85006 Bellevue, WA 98015-8506 Main: (425) 644-4343 Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.- 4:45 p.m. PST Fax: (425) 644-7697 http://www.sierra.com support@sierra.com United Kingdom Havas Interactive offers a 24-hour Automated Technical Support line with recorded answers to the most frequently asked technical questions. To access this service, call (0118) 920-9111, and follow the recorded instructions to find your specific topic and resolve the issue. If this fails to solve your problem, you may still write, or fax us with your questions, or contact us via our Internet or CompuServe sites. Havas Interactive 2 Beacontree Plaza, Gillette Way, Reading, Berkshire RG2 0BS United Kingdom Main: (0118) 920-9111 Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fax: (0118) 987-5603 http://www.sierra-online.co.uk France Havas Interactive Parc Tertiaire de Meudon Immeuble "Le Newton" 25 rue Jeanne Braconnier 92366 Meudon La Forêt Cedex France Téléphone: 01-46-01-46-50 Lundi au Jeudi de 10h à 19h Vendredi de 10h à 18h Fax: 01-46-30-00-65 http://www.sierra.fr Germany Havas Interactive Robert-Bosh-Str. 32 D-63303 Dreieich Deutschland Tel: (0) 6103-99-40-40 Montag bis Freitag von 9 - 19Uhr Fax: (0) 6103-99-40-35 Mailbox: (0) 6103-99-40-35 http://www.sierra.de Spain Havas Interactive Avenida de Burgos 9 1º-OF2 28036 Madrid Spain Teléfono: (01) 383-2623 Lunes a Viernes de 9h30 a 14h y de 15h a 18h30 Fax: (01) 381-2437 Italy Contattare il vostro distribotore. C) Sierra Warranty & Legal Information ----------------------------------- Sierra's end user license agreement, limited warranty and return policy is set forth in the EULA.txt, found on the CD, and is also available during the install of the product. Copyright (1999 Sierra On-Line, Inc.) Archived by OldGamesDownload.com on 8th August, 2019