Puzz-3D Neuschwanstein Castle Version 1.0.0 English 12/01/98 ================================================================================ Before calling for technical support please check the following items: ================================================================================ 1. Verify that you have at least 30 MB of free space for virtual memory. 2. Make sure you have installed both DirectX 5.0 and Quicktime 3.0. 3. Make sure you restarted the system after installation. 4. Make sure you have the latest video drivers for your video card. Puzz-3D CD uses DirectX 5.0 and requires the latest drivers that are certified for DirectX. Check with your video card manufacturer to obtain the latest video drivers for your card. A lot of them can also be found on the web at the following address: www.drivershq.com. ================================================================================ Troubleshooting ================================================================================ 1. The game displays the following error message: "Your monitor must be set to 16-bit colors for this program to run." You must change the screen settings. Right-click on your desktop and choose Properties. Select the Settings tab. Click on the scroll arrow in the Color Palette setting and choose 65536 (16-bit). Click on Apply and restart the computer. 2. The game displays the following error message: "A required dll, dsound.dll is missing." You must reinstall DirectX 5.0. Start the Setup program and click on the Install DirectX 5.0 button. Choose Reinstall DirectX, then restart the computer when prompted. 3. Purple or pink flashes appear before and after movies. This bug is related to your video card driver. First check with your video card manufacturer to obtain the latest video driver for your card. If the problem persists, the workaround is to turn off DirectDraw acceleration. To do so, click on the Start menu and choose Settings and then Control Panels. Double-click on the QuickTime icon (not QuickTime.32). In the QuickTime Settings droplist, choose Video Settings. Uncheck the Enable DirectDraw Acceleration item. Warning: this might affect your video playback performance. 4. Some pieces seem to be missing? Hide the Book Window, the Gold Tray and the Frame Window. They can hide pieces underneath them.