How to download games on our website

For abandonware games

Every abandonware game has a download section listing the platforms the game was released on, and the year the game was released on that platform. For example, Windows (2003) suggests the game is a Windows game released in 2003:

Download games on OldGamesDownload 1

Each file will have a purple download button with additional information about that file. The file name will usually tell you a lot about this download – for example, the format the game is in, the languages/region which the game can be played in, and the file size. This is illustrated in this screenshot:

Download games on OldGamesDownload

When you have selected the file you want to download, simply left click on the download button. This will direct you to that file’s download page.

Depending on the file, you will be given options of the mirror you want to use to download the file such as, MediaFire, or Mega.

For non-abandonware games

Games which used to be abandonware, but have been relaunched by the publishers, will have their downloads delisted from OldGamesDownload. However, we have kept the pages up to direct users to official channels for purchasing the game. On these pages, the download section will look like this: