Star Stable 4

Publishers Star Stable Entertainment AB
Developers Star Stable Entertainment AB
Release date 2010
Genre Action, Sports
Game rating

Game Description

Star Stable 4 is a single-player horse riding game. It is the fourth game in the “Star Stable” series.

Download Star Stable 4

We might have the game available for more than one platform. Star Stable 4 is currently available on these platforms:

Windows (2010) (378.8MB)

Additional files, patches and fixes

Star Stable 4 Screenshots


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29 thoughts on “Star Stable 4”

  1. stable 4 can you not make download it heist have a virus problem Star stable go all other 1 2 and 3 only the 4th can not be downloaded

    • I’d recommend to download a program that “mimicks” having another drive and a CD inserted. I use “DAEMON Tools” but I’m sure there are other programs working just as good.
      Have fun playing! šŸ™‚

  2. Why isnt this and the other sso games available? Anyone have the files they could send me? it’s really irritating trying to play and they arent there šŸ™

    • decided to delete all our games without warning. Luckily, we have the Star Stable games backed up and they are being reuploaded.

  3. Please fix this, cause whatever I do, with whatever method, it still says that content of the disc image file is damaged, and I think it’s because the a layout.bin file is already damaged. (I could start the autumn riders, so I don’t think that I am the one that doing something wrong.)


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